This is our last day of the fast. I appreciate all who have been able to invest the time and read the daily readings. I know that you have grown and that the Lord is going to do great things. In fact, I would encourage you to expect great things. I also appreciate all who tried and want to encourage you with a word from Paul, “do not grow weary in well doing for in the end you shall reap if you do not grow weary”, Galatians 6:9
In these last three chapters of Acts, Paul really goes through it; rejection, shipwreck, snake bitten, his wisdom and insight ignored. All of his efforts from his salvation and then Baptism in the Holy Spirit can be summarized in chapter 27:24
“Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you.”
When God gives us a task, it does not mean that everything will be smooth sailing however it does guarantee two things; first that if we are faithful and keep our eyes open, God will do great and marvelous things along the way. We always need to remember the destination is only part of the call, the journey is just as important. Second, we will complete the task and eventually come to face the Lord and hear the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!”
Everywhere Paul went it was another opportunity for rejection and another opportunity for miracles. He was constantly about the Father’s business. His heart was to see people receive the wonderful blessing he had been given. He was misunderstood many times but he did not lose focus. He was determined to complete the task.
Whenever God calls us to do something we can be guaranteed that the enemy and our own flesh will fight us. Family and friends may fight us. This world system will definitely fight us. However, as Isaiah writes, “no weapon formed against us will prosper and every waging tongue we will condemn.” If we are not in the battle we have already been defeated.
For the last forty days you have read about Jesus life and the disciples early life. You have read about the life of the early church. The world was dramatically changed in the first forty years after Jesus’ resurrection. Men and women were committed to God, the church family, and the world that did not have a relationship with Christ. They recognized they were given the gift of salvation and all of the other personal and spiritual gifts to impact the lives of others. So were you! Beginning with salvation, we were all given a task, “love God and love man”. In other words, be Jesus to the world! If we want to grow, if we want to fulfill our calling, like Paul, we must keep our eyes on the Lord, stand firm and go through the stuff of life and not give up. Then and only then will we complete our task!
I believe in you but more importantly God believes in you. He loves you with and ever-lasting love. He will give you all that you need to complete your task. Your job is to stay close with Him, not give up, and do it!
Thank you for making it through. I know the Lord has and will bless as He brings things back to your memory from this fasting time.
I will be continuing the on-line devotionals but only on the weekdays. Tomorrow I will begin in the book of John with chapter 1.
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