John 12
Faith is a wonderful gift and in some ways a muscle that needs exercise. Faith enables us to please God, move mountains, and through our faith in God the sick can receive healing.
We must recognize that we are in a war over faith. Our humanity, our flesh, doesn’t want us to move by faith because it goes against reason and logic. The enemy of our souls, Satan does not want us to move by faith because it weakens his ability to do what he does best; kill, steal and destroy.
There is a controversy about faith. There are even some followers of Christ who will stand against any miracle claims. They say that the Lord will not go against the laws of nature. However, every miracle Jesus performed did go against the laws of nature, water into wine, walking on water, blind eyes opened and the lame walking to name a few. Basically every miracle listed in scripture does go against nature, I believe that is the very definition of a miracle.
Lazarus had been raised from that dead. This was not a natural phenomenon. Supernatural power had raised him back to life. Everyone in the surrounding community, plus, had heard of Lazarus’ death and resurrection. Many were being draw to the Lord because of this miracle. Jealousy and fear began to stir in the religious leaders, so much so that they decided they would attempt to kill Lazarus. What is wrong with this picture? The man was raised from the dead so they wanted to kill him again! It would have been interesting to see what would have happened had they succeeded; would Jesus simply raise him up again thus frustrating them even more? Would the people have rioted against the leadership? We will never know, however the point is; whenever a miracle takes place in your life there are always elements who will want to kill it.
“Death to your miracle!” That is the chant the world, the flesh and Satan are all yelling. If something miraculous happens to you everything ungodly will raise up against you. Friends and family will deny it or try to convince you it is a coincidence. The enemy will either try to embarrass you or try to make you deny it. The world doesn’t want to hear about it.
Miracles demand a response. If a miracle, no matter how great or small, happens in your life, people must acknowledge a greater power in the world. People need to reconcile the miracle and their belief or lack of belief in God. They have to wrestle with issues of faith they have never thought about. You now have a testimony to keep remembering when you walk through the next struggle or trial. Because you have had a miracle doesn’t mean that you won’t need another. In fact, I believe the enemy works harder on those who have received miracles because it is his way of trying to kill their miracle. If he can get someone so depressed or discouraged they will begin to reason away the power of the first miracle and wallow in their suffering.
Think about all the miracles the Lord has performed in your life. Expect more! Know when the attacks come it is simply the world, flesh, and/or the devil trying to kill your miracle. God loves to show up in our lives. He loves for people to know not only by faith that He is real but by, as the disciples put it “many amazing proofs”. Don’t allow your miracle to die. Look for more of what the Lord can and will do in your life.
Tomorrow John 13
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