Acts 15
I am trying to keep these devotionals concise. There is so much great insight in each chapter; however, I must pick a point or two to make or otherwise the writings would be too long for you to enjoy.
Have you ever had to learn something and then find yourself needing to relearn the lesson? That is the story of Acts 15. It is the same song (same lesson) but a different dance (different point). Earlier the church was struggling with the fact that Gentiles were coming to faith. “How can this be they are not like us,” was the general attitude. God spoke, the apostles listened, and Gentiles were welcomed into the faith. In Chapter 15 they must relearn this lesson!
As humans we struggle with things that are different. It is very easy for us to get into a routine. As non-routine and challenging, as I like to be, in the middle of my non-routine there is even a sense of routine. I know that sounds bizarre but it is true. We all settle in to a certain comfort zone. The apostles were no different. They were perfectly happy being Jewish and being Christian, and making the new converts fit into a Jewish mold. However, it was dishonest to make Gentiles fit into cultural things that had no meaning or that Christ had fulfilled.
Does a tie make a man a Christian? Does a hat or dress make a woman a Christian? Can you have tattoos or be pierced and have faith in Christ? Is a particular style of music more sacred than another? In context, culturally these would be similar questions to what the apostles faced in Jerusalem. Our lives have been changed by Christ, each of us go through a metamorphosis of sorts as we grow to become all that we have been called to be and to become more like Jesus. Some things like the sins that we stop doing are general for everyone but for others things vary. For example, I have a friend who used to play in a Metal band, once he came to Christ he had to lay his guitar down because it reminded him too much of his life without Christ and yet another friend was just the opposite, he felt called to use Metal music to reach the people who enjoy his style of music for Christ. Was either of them wrong? No! God calls us each to different paths but the same service to Christ. Christianity is all about relationship with Christ and each other. We can’t fit people into our molds, we must help them to become like Jesus. Whether a person wears a suit and tie, polo shirt, has their face or body tattooed or pierced does not make or deny their faith, it is their heart that makes their faith.
In the Old Testament circumcision was a sign of the Jews separation to God. It was an outward sign of a supposed inner work. However, we know from history the outward sign did not always mean that they were Children of God. Paul tells us that it is the circumcision of the heart that is the work and the signs of a true believer, loving others; prayer, reading the Word, living the Word and being the Word to others are the true signs of a believer. Basically that is the conclusion the apostles came to when they sent their letter to the Christians in Antioch.
If we love the Lord, God will always bring people into our lives that are not like us, but they will help us become more like Jesus. Our job is to show people Jesus not mold them into our image. Paul wrote to Titus, “Everything is pure for someone whose heart is pure. But nothing is pure for an unbeliever with a dirty mind…” We must not try to fit someone into what we have been convicted of if it is not a true biblical reflection but a personal conviction.
Part of my call is “pushing” people out of their comfort zone to help them use their gifts, skills, talents, and abilities to fulfill their call in the Kingdom. There may be people not like you but whom you can reach. There may be things you never thought you could do but God has called you to do them. There may be ways of thinking that you have wrestling against that the Lord is challenging you to accept and things you have believed the Lord is showing you are not correct. It is always about growing to become who God has called us to be. We are always being challenged to become more like Jesus. We may hear the same song but hopefully we will do the different dance this time and learn the lesson.
Tomorrow Acts 16,17
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