Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Prayer opens doors!

Acts 12

I have seen the Lord do amazing things through prayer. I have seen him open blind eyes and temporarily blind open eyes so I could get past guards with bibles that would be considered illegal. This story is a story of amazing answered prayer.

Peter had been thrown in jail. Herod was on a prideful rampage to please the Jews so he was doing whatever he could to persecute Christians. By this time Peter was a major leader in the church. Due to James’ murder, many were concerned for Peter’s life. The church began to do what it does best, pray.

Peter literally was given an angelic escape, four squads of soldiers, two chained to him, and a guard at each door. That type of security says volumes about who Peter was and how they feared him. Remember, all he was, was a simple uneducated fisherman. With God, we always become so much more than what we are!

Hint: when you pray, don’t be surprised that God answers! Peter went to the prayer meeting at the home of John Mark’s mother. John Mark was the scribe that wrote Peter’s Gospel, the book of Mark. When Peter came to the door, they were surprised and didn’t believe their own prayers had been answered.

Sometimes God answers prayers in ways we don’t expect. I am not sure they were expecting Peter to live; they were in more anticipation that his spirit would appear at the door rather than a living Peter. God always hears our prayers. We need to keep our hearts right and to expect an answer that may be different from our expectations.

God delights in relationship with His people. He likes our communicating with Him, our spending time with Him and answering our prayers. What have you been praying about? Has God already answered and you have not heard or been given an answer you did not expect? Look for the answers. God has great plans for you and He will hear and answer, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Look to see what doors He has opened for you!

Tomorrow Acts 14,15

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