John 16
That is not one of the best mottos I have ever heard. Chapter 16 starts out with that theme and ends with this theme. It is filled in the middle with encouragement.
If we are from a different mindset then the world, if we have a different set of goals and purposes than the world, then it is natural that we will be a conflict with the world.
The world system is based on short term goal of selfishness, I will get what I can and what I want regardless of the cost to myself or others. The world system is also driven by Satan’s desire to kill, steal, and destroy. He doesn’t necessarily want worship He is simply so full of pride, jealousy, and envy that He doesn’t want God to have any children who will spend eternity with Him.
The battle can be intense. In places like North Korea, Iran, Somalia, and Eritrea, Christians are literally being killed for their faith. In other places, you can be rejected from a job, promotion, a home because of your faith. The attacks of the world system and then enemy aren’t always as blatant. Sometimes he will simply bring division between, a leader and a follower, a friend and a friend, a husband and a wife, or a parent and child.
What does this have to do with this passage? Part of the reason for the Holy Spirit being free in our lives is to give us the strength that we need. He shows us the way when we go through difficult places. He will lead you into all truth. What truth? The truth about who God is and what His plan is in your tough places, the truth about the fruit and power you have access to because of the Holy Spirit. He will lead you into the truth about your calling and whom you are really fighting. He will lead you into the truth of the Father’s heart so when you pray your are praying his heart and anything you ask he will cause to happen.
What an amazing thing to think that the God who created everything wants relationship with you. The truth the Hoy Spirit leads you in leads us see the world and our situations through His eyes. It helps us to understand why we go through what we are going through. His truth causes us to stand in the midst of the trial and to stand strong when everything in us says give up. What an amazing opportunity to have the Holy Spirit leading and guiding our lives.
Yes we will go through struggles. Everyone will die eventually. Will our lives have had meaning or will they have been full of selfishness or frustration? The answer to that question is given by whether we have completely given our lives over to the Lord or simply lived them our way.
Where are you today? Are you living a life of worry, anxiety, or frustration? Are you allowing the Spirit of Truth to lead you and guide you? Are you seeing things through God’s eyes? The truth is you are going to die. As Mel Gibson is said to have been quoting the famous Scottish warrior, William Wallace in the movie “Braveheart”, “All men die, but few men truly live!”
This weekend read John 17 (the real Lord’s prayer), 18 (Jesus arrest and before Pilate)
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