John 14
I like to hear that statement from people that know what they are talking about. It is easy to cry fear. It is easy to be a chicken little and to get everyone in a panic mode about the sky falling. It takes a genuine leader to bring calm into a storm.
Jesus had just told His friends that life was going to change dramatically, very shortly. He challenged them to look at the bigger picture. It is easy for us to get caught up in the moment. Everyday there are miniscule problems that are demanding our attention. Some of these tiny problems can become great if not attended to, they can also distract us for the overall goal. If we keep our eyes on the prize, the big picture, we will always win in the long run. Jesus was encouraging them that it will be OK.
Heaven is real and you will be there one day but you are going to go through some struggles. You won’t go through them alone. A good leader always puts together a plan of succession. Jesus had it all together without the disciples even knowing. In fact, Jesus had two very distinctive jobs to do and when they were completed it was time for someone else to step in. I know you are thinking, what were Jesus’ jobs; 1) Show us what God is really like 2) Lay down His life and rise from the dead so we could have eternal life and know that He is God! So who is this successor? The Holy Spirit!
Christianity is all about relationship. God sent his Son to make a way for us to have relationship with Him. Jesus showed us what the Father is like and made the way for that relationship. The Holy Spirit now keeps us in relationship with the Father and the Son. He teaches, brings to remembrance, guides, and keeps us in peace. Until Jesus death and resurrection the Holy Spirit seemed to be only available to special people like Kings, Prophets, and Judges.
The disciples and we, have a tough job, convincing an unbelieving world that there is a heaven and a hell and the only way to avoid hell is through relationship with God the Father through His Son, Jesus. We need help, power, wisdom, and a lot of patience, which is all part of what the Holy Spirit does for us. The disciples were facing a scary and potentially life threatening situation. Their leader was going to die. It looked as if there was no hope. Then Jesus resurrected but left them again. What do you do after you have walked away from everything to follow Jesus? You do what we are still doing today, you ask for the Holy Spirit to fill, lead, guide, strengthen and give you all that you need to fulfill the call and purpose of your life to glorify God. Guess what! He will do it!
We all go through tough places. The disciples made it through a seemingly impossible situation; hated, rejected, outcast, their leader left them. They were given a virtually impossible task. Yet as God always does, he gave them all they needed to make it and not only make it, but succeed!
He will do the same for you today if you will allow Him. He desires for you to be successful at whatever He has called you to do. He has not nor will He ever abandon you. He loves you! The storms of life will come, tragedy will strike but you will make it and not just make it but also excel if you will allow Him to work through you. Everything is going to be OK!
Tomorrow John 15
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