Luke 4:1 - 21
Every seed has the potential to bring a harvest. Whether that harvest is good or evil depends on the type of seed.
Jesus temptation was a type of seed sown it was reflective of another temptation that had happened thousands of years earlier. Jesus is called the second Adam. The first Adam, the father of mankind, was placed on this earth by God to be reflective of God’s nature and to live in harmony with God and nature but temptation came his way and he failed.
1 John 2:16 reads this way ….
“For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.”
These are the temptations that every person faces on a regular basis. They are the same temptations that Adam and Eve faced in Genesis 3:6 and Jesus Faces in this passage.
Lust of the flesh: Adam - “the tree was good for food”; Jesus - “command these stones to become bread
Lust of the eyes: Adam – “it was pleasant to the eyes”; Jesus – “showed Him all of the kingdoms”
Pride of life: Adam – “a tree desirable to make one wise”; Jesus – “throw Yourself down from here”
The first temptation was a failure and mankind ended losing the intimacy with the Lord that God intended, bring the entire earth under bondage to the enemy. All of creation paid the price for Adams sin. No longer could man have open access to God the way Adam and Eve had communion with Him before the fall.
The second temptations laid the foundation for ultimate victory. Jesus defeating Satan in this temptation laid the groundwork for a return to the intimacy that God had intended. As weak as Jesus flesh was after 40 days of fasting and roaming the wilderness without shelter, he did not give into the flesh, the world system or the devil. The intimacy and fellowship that God the Father has wanted with us all along could now be realized. Jesus began to restore the open door to the Father.
Something else I need to note here, while Jesus went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit it wasn’t until the enemy was defeated that He came out with power ready to fulfill His destiny and purpose. Often we wonder why we are not fulfilling our destiny yet we still have areas in our lives where we have allowed the enemy to have victory.
Jesus overcoming has opened the door for our relationship, a loving, intimate, open relationship with God the Father. Take advantage of this open door. There is nothing between you and God except what you place there. Jesus has made the way for you to have the closest, most loving relationship any one could have. When we feel alone, abandoned, or hopeless it is time to take a look to see what is between God and me. It is not God’s plan to allow anything between us.
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