Luke 1: 1-17
Life is so daily! It can seem that the things we do on an everyday basis don’t really mean anything. Quite often it is the everyday things, the mundane that has the greatest impact.
Luke begins his narrative talking about two very faithful servants of God. They don’t have the great testimonies of getting set free from a horrible life. They have simply and faithfully followed the Lord. They knew what they had to do in order to use their gifts, talents and abilities for God and they did it. There was nothing glamorous or newsworthy about what they did. They were faithful the simplicity and dailiness of their call. They weren’t famous people; they didn’t have a big name in their community. They simply trusted God, loved Him and each other, and faithfully went about their business. It was this faithfulness that found delight in God’s eyes. Their daily walk pleased the Lord and blessed Him. Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous, faithful and they were daily “serving”.
They longed for a child. They had tried for a long time but nothing. They didn’t give up, get frustrated they simply trusted and continued to serve the Lord. We never fully understand why God, in our minds, delays, but sometimes He seems too. God’s timing is always perfect. What would have happened if they had given up, gotten frustrated, or became bitter. They would have missed the greatest blessing in their lives. Instead they did what may seem to us like the mundane. They daily were faithful, trusting, and lovingly serving God. God turned their daily faithfulness into the greatest blessing in their lives and the forerunner of the Messiah was born.
The flash and hype are always more exciting than daily living. It is being faithful in the little things that really change our world. Jesus in telling a parable said, “You have been faithful in little you will be given much”. Be faithful today in the little things. See what the Lord will do and how he will fulfill you hearts desire.
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