Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miracles are OK but don't tell me the truth!

Luke 4:22 - 43

As long as Jesus was entertaining the crowd with the miracles they loved Him, “they marveled at His gracious words”. He loved them enough not to leave them there. He tried to show them that they could not be selfish and self-centered. His comment about “physician heal yourself” is saying they would have him stay in this region and just take care of His own clan and people. Jesus response was listen we can’t just be focused on ourselves; there is a whole world of need out there. Many people will respond, God loves the whole world.

He left Nazareth region and went to Galilee and the same thing happen, they wanted to keep Jesus for themselves. He healed everyone, set people free from demonic control.

People all around us are hungry for what is right, good, and powerful. Programs like Ghost Whisperer and Medium had long runs on television primarily because there is a whole section of our culture that is desperate for the supernatural. What will they find when they look at our lives?

The other question we have to answer is are we allowing people, for the sake of not making waves, to live in their sin? Do we love enough to speak the truth in love? When I say speak the truth in love, I really mean in love. Sometimes as Christians, we can become “righteously indignant”. The Bible tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. People are also desperate for real love and real relationships. Jesus loved people enough to tell them the truth and not worry about the consequences. People will not always want to hear the truth but we are responsible for being “truth-bearers” to the world.

Where are you today? Are you going along with the crowd, people enjoying your company yet they are slowly destroying their own lives? Ask the Lord to show you how to love in a way that you can share Jesus in a way they can understand. Sometimes we must be brash and bold but more often than not the Lord will simply use our personality traits to reach people. All we have to do is recognize the need around us and ask the Lord for help. He’ll do it! He love you and He loves them.

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