Mark 10:39 – 52
No one likes confrontation. Most of us will do anything we can to avoid it. We generally want to be agreeable, not make waves but most change happens through confrontation at some level. Christianity began as a confrontation with the ways of religion and the rules of men. The reformation brought about a change from a works mentality to grace. The American Revolution created the greatest system of government man could conceive. Some times change for the better requires confrontation.
Jesus had traveled all over the region healing and challenging people’s idea of relationship with God. As He came by the city of Jericho a blind man had heard enough and was ready to receive his miracle. Faith, the Bible tells us comes by hearing. How many times had Bartimaeus heard the stories of Jesus miracles? Every time he heard another story a bit of faith was built in him. When Jesus came by Bartimaeus was ready, but to his surprise rather than the crowds cheering him on, the pushed him down and told him to be quiet. Until we confront our limitations and fears we will never see our miracles. We have to believe that we can change and that God has more for us than we can see right now. Often people will not allow their circumstances to change until they are in enough pain. Bartimaeus, felt the rejection but had come to the place of wanting his miracle more than sitting by and waiting for something to happen. He made something happen. His faith grew; he believed and would not let anyone or anything stop him. He pushed through the crowd, rejection, and fear because he knew if he could get to Jesus he would be healed.
What pain, wound, rejection, or limitation are you living with? Some times our limitations become old friends that become very comfortable and the fear of change is worse than living with the limitation. Are you ready to leave your limitation? If so push into the Lord, don’t worry about your past, the people around you, any or all excuses, confront them all for the cause of becoming more of who Jesus has called you to be.
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