Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's a matter of the heart!

Mark 7: 1-13

I counsel a lot of people. Our culture has not given people much hope and in many cases the generations that have gone on before have not adequately taught their children the keys to a life of fulfillment and success. Many times what we have been given is a set of traditions that have no meaning but at one time did have meaning and purpose.

Traditions are not wrong; they help us to remember important events. Many can draw us to the Lord but when they get in the way of our relationship with the Lord or supersede our relationship with Him they are wrong. The Pharisee over generations had created a series of rules that were meant to protect, bless, or draw people closer to the Lord but as time passed the intent was lost and instead of drawing people into a loving relationship with the Lord or showing His great love for us, they became prisons.

Are there things in your life that you are doing because you have always done them but they have no life? Are there traditions that you are keeping that are making you miserable rather than drawing you closer to family, friends, or the Lord? According to John 10:10 Jesus came to give us an abundant, joyous, life. If you are not living the abundant joyous life, what is stopping you? Review you life, you motivation for doing things and the joy you bring to the Lord, others or yourself. Keep your heart and your life full of joy!

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