Luke 1:39 - 60
Hearing from God is always a tricky thing. Television programs tend to make those who “hear from God” to be nut cases. Paul wrote that the things of God are foolishness to the world. Think about it for a moment, if God talks to people then He must be real, the Bible must be real, and we must all be expected to live within the guidelines. People who do not have a relationship with God will become their own god, living by their own set of guidelines of which the majority will be for their own selfish desires. The problem is, we can’t get to heaven or have a relationship with God on our own terms, it must be on His.
An equally dangerous situation happens with Christians. Between the enemy of our souls and our own desires we can “think” we hear from God when in reality we are merely fulfilling our own wants. So how do we tell the difference? We see in this story one of the ways. God is always speaking to people who have their hearts “tuned” to listen to Him. Hearing God’s voice, like anything else is a practiced skill. There are those who have spent most of their lives learning to listen to the Lord. Elizabeth was one of those. When the Holy Spirit, “filled” her she knew God well enough that she was able to understand what was happening. Her understanding enabled her to confirm, to Mary, what God was doing. God will always confirm His Word! We never need to simply go off without the men and women of God around us confirming what God is saying. The Bible says, “There is safety in a multitude of counselors” Proverbs 11:14. God always places people around us that we can trust. When you are learning to hear from God, go to them and ask them to confirm or deny what you are hearing. Through counsel you can learn to understand the voice of God.
On a different note, God did a very practical thing for Mary. Being a pregnant unmarried young woman in this culture made her the point of ridicule; God gave her the wisdom to go to another part of the country to go through her first trimester with her cousin. She would get anonymity, support, and encouragement. Just like Elijah and the food supplied by the ravens, when the Lord calls us to something He will supply not only our spiritual needs but our practical ones as well.
God is not “spooky” He is a loving and caring Father and friend. What do you need to hear from Him today? Take time to listen and learn to hear his voice.
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