Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The instructions are always clear

Mark 14:1 - 25

One of our biggest challenges in a daily faith is learning to listen to the Lord. Some have taken the stance that God has become silent, He somehow has decided, “You keep on talking and I’ll just listen!” I’m not sure what kind of relationship that is but it certainly not a real one. Relationships are based on communication, the better the communication the better the relationship. But how does that work with God?

There are a number of ways that the Lord speaks to us, the Bible, other people who love the Lord, and in our prayer time learning to simply wait for Him. The Bible is God’s love letter for us. Everything we need to know to live a powerful, successful, and joy-filled life can be found on the pages of this one book. God has also taught others to understand His heartbeat; they love Him passionately and have come to know Him well. Just being around them helps us to hear God’s voice and see Him in action through their lives. Jesus challenged us that those who follow Him will hear his voice in John 10:27. As we learn to wait in prayer we learn to hear His voice.

I believe hearing the voice of the Lord comes down to three things: expectation of hearing His voice, placing yourself in a position to hear His voice and believing that He has spoken. If we don’t expect Him to speak we won’t be listening. If we are too busy with so many other things we will never take the time to hear His voice. When He does speak we can’t just brush it off as something we are thinking or that we have created in our own minds.

When we have learned to pay attention, His instructions are always clear. The disciples were sent into the city to find a man carrying a water pot. You would think with no indoor plumbing there could be hundreds of people carrying water pots especially preparing for a big feast like the Passover. The instruction is the key to finding the right one. In this culture carrying water pots was the work of women, for a man to be carrying a water pot was very unusual. When the Lord gives a personal instruction it is not mystical, he wants us to understand and obey. Every instruction has our future in it. He is a very loving Lord who wants us to understand His heartbeat so He makes it clear. If you lack clarity, wait to either get clarity or to make sure it is really the Lord speaking.

What has the Lord been speaking to you? He wants you to build a better relationship with you so He will be speaking, take time to listen today.

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