Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18 Thought for the day...nothing to hold you down

I remember when my kids were very young, neither of them knew how strong they were. If they weren't careful, they could generally hurt one another. From a positive point, we taught them that their strength was given to them to protect one another, not to hurt one another. When it comes to our faith, I am not sure how many fully understand how strong they actually are. Paul helps us with a better understanding...

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" 2 Corinthians 10:4

We need to recognize that there are some strongholds in our lives that only God can tear down. Our best efforts, all the counseling, self-help in the world won't help, only God. The good news, as a Bible-believing Spirit-filled Christian through Christ you are powerful, and no stronghold has a chance!

The word translated "stronghold" does mean fortress but in this case, it also leans more toward being a prison a place of detention, bondage, a place of no escape. The devil likes to find weaknesses in our attitudes, insecurities he can take advantage of, fears he can manipulate, wounds he gets us to nurture rather than heal. These are the strongholds Paul is talking about here.

The strongholds are things that become ingrained in us. They are attitudes of entitlement, fear, insecurity, woundedness, unforgiveness, and others that should not be in our lives however they have been there so long they have become old friends that we nurture. Paul makes it clear that God has given us the weapons (offensive ones) to tear down everything that would limit our growth and authority in Christ.

When we allow these strongholds to control us, we are insulated and isolated from the freedom and love God has for us in these areas. We are limited in our ability to walk in freedom, and we certainly can not set others free. When strongholds control areas of our lives, we will not fulfill our full potential in Christ.

Are there any areas in your life where your joy, peace, or love are limited? Are there any areas in your life where you are frustrated? Are there any areas in your life where you are not feeling or seeing the victory? Are there areas in your life where you are easily made angry? These are all signs of a stronghold being present. God is your high-tower, your only fortress for your protection and blessing, anything else is bondage. If a stronghold is in your life it is still there because you need His power and strength to overcome it! Surrender that area to the Lord. Ask for forgiveness for allowing it to control your life. Push into Him for freedom today. No strongholds only freedom!

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