I have heard many theories about who the anti-Christ is, Ronald Wilson Reagan (his name has six letters in each part so 666). Henry Kissinger, Barak Obama, and Donald Trump have all made someone's list. Yes, there have been those in history who possessed the anti-Christ spirit; Nero, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, and Kim Jong Un. The anti-Christ spirit has been around since Herod tried killing the Christ child within two years of his birth.
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4
Paul talks about the falling away, which you can read about in my last "thought for the day" if you missed it. After those outside the church become so anti-Christ themselves, the place for the anti-Christ himself has been opened. It is as if a curtain has been pulled away, and this man of lawlessness will be revealed. The word "sin" means "lawless" or anti-Christ, and Paul is saying this man will be alive, but at the appropriate time, the curtain will be pulled back, and he will be revealed to the world.
The world will see him as a savior, a hope for the society, but Paul calls him the son of perdition meaning the son of rot, ruin, decay, and doom. The world will think that this man will bring peace and harmony; he may, in some ways, but he will spell doom to the world and the people.
Isaiah tells us (Isaiah 14:13,14) that Lucifer desired to be worship and to be like God. Through the anti-Christ, he will destroy all religious observance of all religions, and he will be his own religion, so he alone might receive worship. The Greek tense and definite article indicate to us the anti-Christ will not just oppose God once, but his rule and reign will be a continual opposition to God. He will be so blatant in his opposition that in the rebuilt temple, he will go into the Holy of Holies and proclaim himself the god!
We need to understand this all needs to happen before the end of days. We have not discussed whether this is pre or post-rapture. We must also understand that all of this can take years or the Lord can make it happen in an instant. Despite what the devil may desire, God is always in control. If someone tells you they know who the anti-Christ is, they are wrong. Paul says there will be a specific time when he will be revealed.
Until any of this happens, let's work while it is yet day (while the light is here) because night comes (when the light is gone) when no one can work! God's Spirit is being poured out right now. Jump into what He is doing and watch Him bless!
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