Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14 Thought for the day...we will win and have won

I have mentioned before my frustration with people believing the devil is so powerful. While I don't want anyone to underestimate his authority, I want to make sure that we do not underestimate the power of God. He is all-powerful, you are His child, the same Spirit lives in you! Paul shows us just how powerful Jesus is in today's "thought."

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 2 Thessalonians 2:8

Jesus is so amazingly powerful that the world leader, the leader of billions will be utterly annihilated in an instant. Can you imagine it, the world is in the ultimate deception having wholly rejected Jesus birth, death, and resurrection. The world will have completely turned their backs on the God of the Bible having cast Him off as myth, legend or just not relevant. In an instant, He appears!

In the instant of His appearing the world leader, the anti-Christ will be completely obliterated, wiped out, he will no longer exist, that is what the word translated "consume" means. Everyone was looking to this leader to bring peace and harmony but as we understand from other passages he brings nothing but bondage, destruction, and slavery. Jesus came to set people free, and at the end of the age, He will do so as he destroys Satan's attempt at becoming God.

How will Jesus do this? It will be done with the "breath of His mouth!" The meaning here is either Jesus will quick literally "blow" him away with a short burst of breath or that He will speak a word and the anti-Christ will no longer exist. He has taken millennia for Satan to work out his strategy for the domination of mankind, to bring them all to a place of worship. Satan manipulates, tries to control and attempts at every level to defeat God (as he thought he did with the cross). Yet Satan is a created being, he is not God, and there is no comparison to God. A grain of sand as compared to the Rocky Mountains would not even be an adequate comparison of Satan to God. Yet we fear and submit to him and believe he has more power or nearly the power of the Lord most high. How foolish we are! Just a word, just a snort from his nostrils totally obliterates the anti-Christ and all of Satan's plans.

The "brightness of His coming" refers to a gloriously, captivating, suddenly, of power that takes everyone by surprise. Jesus shows up, and all the enemies of the Kingdom scatter or are destroyed. He is the greatest champion in history. We worship the greatest warrior, a champion who will wipe out everything the enemy had planned in an instant! Now please hear me in this, you are a joint heir with this power and authority. You have, as a servant of the Lord God almighty, indued with this same power from on high. He has given you this power so you might fulfill His commission to allow the whole world to know they are loved by God and can become His children. Don't get distracted by the devil and his cohorts. He is a liar and wants to steal your time, energy, confidence, and freedom.

One breath, one word will obliterate the enemy's plans and future. Walking with Christ, you too can do the same with the enemy's plans for your life and the lives of others. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!" (1 John 4:4) If we begin to believe it and live it, we will tick the enemy off because we will be taking his ground. He will be upset, throw a fuss try to stop you any way he can, but if we persevere we will crush him every time! We win!

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