Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10 Thought for the day...not quite yet

I love Christmas! The sights, sounds, smells the joy and anticipation. I enjoy that many are happier and that the world feels the love of Christ through all the muck and mire of life. I know it is a hard season for many, but Christ can still be revealed through the season, even in tough times. Believe it or not, Christmas is one of the reasons that the end of times is not quite yet!

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2: 3,4

All of my life, I have been told, "Jesus is coming soon!" I think this was very deceptive of the church to focus on this, not that we don't want and look for the return of Christ, but I believe it took the focus from telling the world about Him to a selfish position of "rapture practice!" The Father's heart is that all would come to know Him, and that must be our drive and passion. We do it in different ways, leading people to Christ, disciplining them, challenging them, encouraging them. We each have been given gifts and skills to impact our world.

So how does the celebration of Christmas impact the second coming? I'm glad you asked! Paul says, don't be deceived the return of Christ will not happen until a few things happen first. He is already assuming that we understand the Gospel being preached everywhere has already been accomplished.

I have been taught all of my life that the "falling away" was Christians walking away from Christ. While that may happen in some cases, that is not the inference Paul is making here. The phrase means a mutiny, defiance, or a revolt against God. What is not implied nor inferred here is that it is in the church. Paul is talking about the general attitude of society. Paul is saying there will be a purposeful outright revolt against God, everything He stands for a complete turning away.

This absolute rebellion against God in every way permeating throughout world society is necessary. Nature abhors a vacuum, so Satan, through this defiance against God, is establishing the perfect set up for his anti-Christ to arise on the scene. Can you imagine a world so anti-Christ in mentality that they willingly accept an anti-Christ as a leader? Look for it because it is going to happen!

BUT NOT QUITE YET! While we have an open door, before the hearts of the world turn against Christ, we must share the love, joy, peace, and life that we have been given! Our lives have been changed; we have hope because of Him. It is a hope that the world needs, and this season is a great time to remind people how they can have this hope all year long! Tomorrow, I will pick up these verses and go a bit deeper. I hope this is encouraging you and that you are beginning to understand the real signs of the Lord's return and will not allow yourself to be deceived by signs on the earth, in the sky, or by any words other than those that come from the Lord.

We have a great privilege to bring the most powerful life-changing message to the world that needs the truth. Please no longer allow yourself to be taken off track from our most important call. Be who the Lord has called you to be, and you will change the world!

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