Monday, January 30, 2012

Fasting Day 16

God wants to break every stronghold! Nothing has any right to hold you from being all that the Lord has called you to be!

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” Galatians 3:13,14

I have already asked you to read Acts 13 so today please read Acts chapters 14 and 15.

Three types of curses are broken in these passages one of a demonic spirit, one of death, and one of a bondage to the law.

Many have a bondage from generations, some from previous sin, others from words spoken out of turn. God has sent his Son to break them all. Some times we need to simply recognize the curse and realize that God has paid the price and wants to break in regardless of how it may have come upon us. I believe many of the curses remain in our lives because we believe for some reason we must bear them. God has not called us to bear any burdens but to cast our burdens on Him.

As you have prayed and fasting allow the Lord to show you the curses you are under and expect Him to break them. Let them go and don’t live there anymore!

Please pray today for

- Pray for our teachers. All of those who instruct our children need our prayers. Whether your children are in private, public or home-schooled (yes, it is OK to have people pray for you). College professors need our prayers as well.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for Pastor Tim and Paige, Amanda, Christopher Rachel, and Isaac. Yes we do need your prayers always. I love what I do; it is many hours on the phone, answering e-mail, face to face, and in prayer for you and preparation for ministry. We are all blessed to serve but we do always need prayer.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Kindness”
- Choose a country with a “P” name to pray for today (find out information by going to

1 comment:

Sheran said...

Dear Pastor Tim,
Your preparation and organization for this fast is truly God-inspired. The people and things to pray for are dynamite! It has been great joy to pray for our Pastors and their families this week. You are our real and present guides to the Father and His Kingdom and we truly appreciate your love, direction, guidance and your servant's heart as you guide us on our journey to the Lord. Your blog is such a wealth of pointers to the Lord that keep us focused on Him and who He wants us to be. This is one of the most directed, organized fasts I have ever been on and the readings from the Word keep us focused. Thank you for your work. I count it pure joy to pray as your blog directs, to come to the Father for things I might not have thought of, to pray and praise Him.