Friday, January 20, 2012

Fasting Day 6

Thank you for keeping up the fast. We are nearly 1/3 of the way there. It is about this time when some begin to “hit the wall” and have difficulty spending time with the Lord.

Believe God today that He will go ahead of you in peace and to make your enemies be at peace with you!

Yesterday we prayed that God would break our hearts with the things that break His, including those who give us difficulty and you prayed for them. Believe today that the Lord will give you favor with and protection from your enemies.

I want to encourage you to read these two scriptures and to think about them. If you have a good study Bible study the references, Isaiah 54:17 and Proverbs 16:17.

We all have people in our lives that have hurt us, people, who have wounded us. Each of us has bad things that have happened to us. It is very easy to become bitter and to hold unforgiveness but the Lord calls us to freedom. He wants to defend us and make our enemies to be at peace with Him and us.

Around the world every day millions of Christians live under either extreme restriction to their faith or outright persecution. Some of our “friends” are the worst offenders, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India.

Some of our kids face persecution in school, from elementary to college. They need the Lord’s and our support to overcome.

God will cause even our enemies to be at peace with us as we continue to release them into His hands.

When we pray for God to intervene and we allow Him to do it, then our enemies or those who are persecuting us, become God’s problem. He wants to draw every man and woman to himself.

Please pray for:

- Our Senators – Bob Casey Jr. and Pat Toomey
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 250 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray for your enemies, personally or nationally
- Pray for those in the church who have enemies in their own household or are in jobs where they are constantly under attack.
- Pray for our church intercessors – Paula Miller heads a group who are constantly praying for our church, our region and you. We also have a prayer team who is interceding for you, individually, on a daily basis. It is great when we can hold up their hands in prayer.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “meekness” - the ability to recognize our strength but to surrender it to God.
- Choose a country with an “F” name to pray for today (find out information by going to

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