I want to clarify some things regarding our “Daniel Fast”. The purpose of a fast is not about some kind of suffering that makes us more like Jesus instead it is about placing your heart and your attitude in a position to have a more intense communion with the Lord. So much of the carry over from religion is about work and the idea of a fast can quickly become legalistic. If only eating fruits and vegetables drew you closer to the Lord, ever vegetarian and all Hindus would be the closest of all.
I know there are many books that describe what a “Daniel Fast” really is but let’s reiterate what the Bible says a “Daniel Fast” is.
When this vision came to me, I, Daniel, had been in mourning for three whole weeks. 3All that time I had eaten no rich food. No meat or wine crossed my lips, and I used no fragrant lotions until those three weeks had passed. Daniel 10: 2,3 NLT
Daniel was serving in an ungodly court being fed the rich foods of heathens. The purpose of his fast was walking away from the daily routine in an ungodly environment to come away to be alone with the Lord. Meat and desserts where the foods of the wealthy and the heathen; the common people survived on fruits, vegetables, and bread. Daniel’s fast was making a statement that he was coming away from the common things of his life to spend time with the Lord. Your fast should cause you to remember you want to spend time with the Lord. It hopefully will make food preparation quicker and easier, so you spend less time on preparation and clean up and are able to spend more time with the Lord.
My challenge to you for this fast is not to get caught up in a religious routine but instead to come away from what is common and to enjoy the intimacy with Jesus. The physical act of not eating meats and sweets is simply there to remind us that we are choosing to spend time with the Lord. Pasta is not mentioned here because there was most likely no pasta in Persia until around 700 years after Daniel. However bread was a staple.
It has been my habit every year since 1990 to go on a forty day fast. The purpose is not to starve myself but to give myself more time to focus on and be with the Lord. Every time my stomach growls or I get hungry it is simply a reminder to spend time with the Lord.
Our attitudes have more to do with correct fasting than does the food we decline. James writes these words in chapter 4:17 “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”
A true Daniel Fast, according to the scripture is simple no meats or sweets, whatever your heart tells you what they means to you. The key thing is the right attitude and making more time to spend with the Lord. Don’t place your conviction on someone else it is not that hard. Do what you need to do to make your focus being with the Lord.
1 comment:
Thank you, Pastor Tim, for encouraging us to go on our Daniel fast. I often desire to go on a fast but put it off for various reasons or excuses. This is a great time to do it now! I really look forward to the extra time to spend with the Lord: extra Bible reading time, extra prayer time, extra quiet time with Him, extra praise time. My heart hungers to know Him on a deeper level and I will cherish this extra time in His presence. "Be still and know that I am God." He's calling all of us into His presence! Oh Pastor, thank you for this encouragement to fast! What's a little food? Nothing compared to being in the presence of the Creator of the Universe!!!!! May we all bask in His presence and get a clearer idea of what He wants to do through us for His world!
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