Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fasting Day 17

God will meet every need!

The scripture that automatically comes to mind is Philippians 4:19

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

God will supply all of our needs, what happens is that we think our need is one thing and God knows it is really something else. For instance, if we are constantly out of money rather than needing more money we may need a better job or wisdom to handle our finances better or perhaps wisdom regarding how to get a better job. God is constantly working to strongly support those who love Him.

Read Acts chapters 16 and 17 pay particular attention to the needs Paul has and the way that God meets them for Him.

There are times when our flesh and/or the devil will lie to us and say things like, “God doesn’t really care about your little needs!” or “There are so many more important things to God than your need!” Those phrases and things like that suggest that God’s power and presence are limited. God is not limited!

Sometimes our needs are met and we don’t realize it. Begin to become more sensitive to the Lord meeting your need. Become more aware of God wanting to meet your need. Stop limiting God!

Please pray today for

- Pray for the business leaders and entrepreneurs in our region. Much of the physical prosperity in our region and be directly tied to the business leaders of our region. I know some of you have difficulty with this which means you should especially pray!
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for Lisa Lyons, Barry, Lance, and Alex. Lisa is our Director of outreach, as such is over all of our outreach including VBS, Single Mom's, Christmas, His Place Coffee, to name a few. Anything that is our church reaching outside of the walls, Lisa is leading the charge. On top of all of this, she and Pastor Mike are Pastor Tim's right hands.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Faithfulness”
- Choose a country with a “R” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html


Gail said...

In chapt 16 in regard to the lady with the spirit of divination then later Paul cast out a spirit from within her- at first one would think he was casting out her God given gift of prophecy and/or word of knowledge but I would suppose Paul was casting out an ungodly spirit attached to her Godly giftings. Or did he cast out a mocking spirit? Could you address this please, I want to be more sure of this passage what is really transpiring. And in regard to her speaking out loud and being a nuisance-is this satan's spirit trying to compete with the God's for attention from those witnessing her actions? -Gail

Tim Burgan said...

Great question Gail. There are a couple of cues that give away what Paul knew and understood spiritually. First the Bible says she was " possessed" the greek word means actually held captive or imprisoned. They recognized she was imprisoned by a spirit. Second, they called it a "spirit of divination" this is different from prophecy. Remember the demonized man in Mark 5 who proclaimed Jesus as the "Son of the Most High". Demons recognize the power of God sometimes better than we do. We need to be careful, not every spirit that seems to be from God is. Demons believe, the scripture tells us. This spirit of divination was mocking Paul. His relationship with the Lord was one of such integrity that he was easily able to see something that was vying for all the attention to pull it away from God. His only response was "set the captive free" as Jesus proclaimed we should do.