Luke 17:1 – 21
So much of what we do everyday seems random and mundane, we get up, have breakfast (the most important meal of the day) and go off to our daily routine of work or care for the family. God wants us to realize that we need to live our live intentionally, that every thing we do we realize is either preparation, doing, or the cool down from what the Lord has called us to do.
Everything about Jesus life was intentional, nothing was random, and everything He did had purpose. We don’t have recorded everything that He did, however he knew where he was going what needed to be accomplished and was focused on getting there from here. That does not mean He didn’t take time to smell the roses or laugh with his friends but enjoying the all the gifts the Lord has surrounded us with is also part of intentional living.
In this passage Jesus was intentionally about hugging the little ones around him, kind of unheard of for an adult male in this society. If it were today he would have been teasing them, hugging, them “high fiving”, fist pounding and generally laughing with them. Children were important to Jesus, they representing the future and the innocents and trust we should have as followers of Jesus. He was intentional about being around them. He didn’t need to; He was popular and powerful and didn’t need to stop for the children. It is easy for us to hang out with the people we want to and that we will benefit from but Jesus intentionally would choose to be around people that would not benefit Him at all but who need to see the Father’s heart in Him.
Jesus intentionally went through Samaria, a place where, as a Jew he was not welcomed, appreciated, or celebrated. He knew they needed what He had. It is so easy to become offended, our flesh needs to be celebrated and welcomed, but the message we have will not be celebrated until people are able to understand it in a way that impacts them. How can they hear this message or reach the Father’s heart unless we are willing to be intentional. The good thing is when we choose to do things like that God shows up. It is His heart to reach everyone with His great love. Notice that Jesus intentionally made a way for miracles to happen.
Who is the Lord sending you to? Where is He calling you to be intentional? What miracles are waiting for you today?
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