Luke 11:29 – 53
I have quoted it and I hear it quoted often, “God makes all things turn for good for them that love God and are called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28. This is one of those passages. It seems like at first glance that Jesus is really being harsh but the truth is, He loved them enough to bring correction into their life.
I like having people who will speak the truth to me. I hate it when people will smile at my face and then talk behind my back. For some reason people feel that is a Christian response, “let’s not make waves, let’s just tell him what we think he wants to hear.” There is no love in that at all. Even if your attitude is wrong and you “truth” is wrong it is better to tell someone you love what you think the truth is than to gripe and complain behind his or her back. That being said, I hope you understand better what Jesus is doing here! What sounds negative is really a positive.
Jesus loves all people, however both the people of Israel in general and the religious leaders specifically have had numerous God encounters and still walk around prideful and arrogant.
His challenge is simply this:
1) You are wondering what is God’s plan and purpose, read the scriptures you have been sent the prophets of God over and over again why don’t you listen to them to get your answers.
2) Don’t play “Christian” be a Christian. Keeping the rules and making a show of it may impress people but it does not impress God. Start living and intentional “Christian” life where you live God’s love. (I know the Pharisee’s were not “Christians” but you get the point here.)
3) Don’t burden people with your sense of holiness. Too many times the Lord convicts us of something that he has not convicted others of and we feel we need to place that burden on others. Or we have burdened ourselves by coming under some legalist point of view that is not “Christian” and because we are in bondage we help to bring others under the same bondage.
Jesus did not come to begin a formalized religion but a relationship with God the Father through Jesus life, death, and resurrection. Any one of us could easily find ourselves in these categories so it is important that we check ourselves daily. Paul said, “I die daily” Best way to check is to measure yourself by Jesus life and also look at your own life to see if love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control really rule your life.
It can be a struggle to be who we really need to be. The Lord will disciple us at times if are hearts are really sold out to Him. If you really love your kids you will discipline them, if you really love your family or friends you will speak loving words of correction into their lives. God does the same to us. He wants us to walk in freedom, strength, power, and love, in a real relationship with Him. Allow the correction in your life. Don’t look at it as a negative but a positive. “Who the Lord loves he disciplines!” Hebrews 12:6
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