Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 5 Thought for the day...the cost for changing the world

Everyone wants to change the world like the disciples. They want to see the power of God move like it did in the first century. My challenge is, are you tough enough or too soft?  It seems in our culture it doesn't take much to ruffle people's feathers or hear them start to complain. They run from one thing to another when something gets hard. The problem with changing the world is it means taking the devil's territory. If he can make it "hard," most will just stop. Paul showed us we must have the determination to win. (This will be my most intense post yet)

Are they ministers of Christ?—I speak as a fool—I am more: in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often.  2 Corinthians 11:23

To be mightly used of God takes mighty determination. We must know the Lord, how to pray, His word, and our call. Paul knew all of that and didn't waver from any of it. To do something mighty for God, you must throw yourself into it regardless of the inconvenience or the cost. Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you"..." the measure that you use it will be measured back to you."  We need to remember we will see the Lord moving in our lives in exact proportion to our willingness to give our lives to Him. Paul was sold out!

To push hell out of the way, we have to be more determined than hell itself to see God's Kingdom moving. To take territory we will fight, we will choose His Kingdom over our Kingdom, and we will be more than conquerors! This is Paul's story here. "Stripes above measure" Paul is telling us he was beaten severely and more frequently and intensely than anyone really understands. If we are going to take on hell, we have to stand up to the pressure hell might give. Otherwise, you will say, "this is too hard" or begin to whine, complain, or place blame. We must determine to be tougher than anything the devil can throw our way. That is one of the many reasons we need the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

"In prisons frequently" Pauls was talking about his regular imprisonment were rather than complaining, he used it as a time to write parts of our New Testament. The word he uses refers to small, very confining cells, where only the worst criminals were held under the heaviest guards. This was Paul's confinement and his best place for writing.

Paul writes "I, die daily," we generally interpret that as our spiritual condition. What the actual interpretation is that he literally faced death on a regular basis. He knew how not to fear death and to trust that his life was in the hands of God and, he kept his eyes on the Lord knowing no man could take his life until God gave permission.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk in truth, power, life. He causes us to be hope, joy, love, and peace-filled. Through Him, we have the power to overcome the enemy every time. We have the power to change our world. We must be determined to push into God 100% rather than only giving Him part. Ask yourself these questions: Am I in the Word every day? Do I spend quality and quantity time talk with God? Am I giving my time, talent, and treasure to God always? Am I choosing to trust Him above everything, including my feelings, every day? As you come to the place of being able to answer yes to all of this, then you can expect to have the impact in the world that the disciples had. This is the cost of changing the world.

What do you gain? Peace, love, joy, power, life, all that you need every day emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually! Knowing God intimately. What a life that is!!!

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