Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26 Thought for the day...excellent opportunities

There are so many things the Lord wants to accomplish through you. There are lives He wants to touch. There are whole cities, states, and nations He wants to pour out His Spirit upon. The door is open. He is simply waiting for you!

For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Corinthians 16:9

Paul was writing this letter from the city of Ephesus. Ephesus was a pagan, idol worshiping, and promiscuous city that hated Christianity. However, finally, there was a breakthrough. The spiritual wall had crumbled, and the church was growing and impacting the community.

When Paul is writing that a great and effective door opened to me, the word translated "to me" means he was given a unique and personal opportunity. Paul had cried out for the city, and God heard that cry! What are you crying out for? What is your hearts cry? God hears it, believe me, and He will answer. His heartbeat is for everyone to know who He is!

Paul's use of the word "great" implies a massive and unique opportunity for Paul. We are given this example and Paul's life to see that we, too, can have this happen for us. If you stay focused and true to the Lord call on your life, He will provide incredible opportunities for you too! God will not leave a door in front of you, but He will open it and keep it open for you as you trust Him.

However, Paul gives a warning, there are many adversaries. Paul is referring to those people who became jealous of his ministry and wanted to destroy it. He is also referring to those who saw his ministry and became envious and wanted to try to steal it. Both of these were inside the church. He was referring to those in the world that rejected it and wanted to see Paul imprisoned or killed.

It is not unusual for adversity to come against you when you choose to follow the Lord to such an extent that you are taking the enemy's territory. You should expect resistance. It can catch you off guard if it comes from friends or others that were once close to you. However, like Paul, never allow it to stop you, discourage you, frustrate you in any way. God opened a door, so walk right through. He will bless, encourage, and give you more ground, just keep your eyes on Him and trust Him!

I want to encourage all of the blog and facebook post readers that God has opened a great door for us at the Christian Center. He is pouring out His Spirit in a very gentle and powerful way. If you have the opportunity, come check us out. We are near the intersection of Routes 51 and 70 in Rostraver Township, PA 15012

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