I appreciate being appreciated, many hear me, read these posts, see the work in families and the community and recognize all that goes into it and appreciate it. I am grateful for that, but everyone who prays and gives for this ministry is a partner in the world-changing work that is being done...the Holy Spirit says so, through Paul...
Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, 5 for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. Philippians 1:4,5
Everyday hope is being given, families are restored, throughout the year many have come to Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered. The great and the small are all being challenged and impacted for the kingdom. Because you read this post and pray for the on-going ministry and because many of you give, what happens through the church or through me personally, you are my partner, you are a partner in changing the cities through coffee, just like Paul was talking about the Philippian church.
The Philippian church was a struggling church, financially but spiritually they fought off every adversary to stay true to the Gospel. When Paul says here that he "prays" for the church at Philippi the tense there means it is a continuing action, he quite literally prays for them always.
Paul making "requests" means that he was continually, without ceasing, standing in the gap for their physical, spiritual and overall well-being! He recognized all they were doing and their hearts for Paul and his work. He recognized their value in not just their personal ministries but their recognition of the ministry he was doing.
Why did he pray so much for them? They were his partners in the ministry. The Gospel was being preached through Paul's ministry because of their prayers and giving. The way he could best say, "thanks," was to not only literally to say the words but to stand in the gap for each of them, believing for their needs to be met.
I am saying, "thank you" to you today. Your prayers for me give me the strength to continue on in the ministry. Those of you that give through our church are valuable and absolutely necessary to keep the Gospel going, the lives changed, the hope given. Each week many view our services on Facebook, every day over 1500 people from around the world read this post (mainly through the blog). Your prayers and financial gifts advance the Kingdom. Every life changed is part of your ministry as well.
"The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work" 1 Corinthians 3:8 I have the privilege of doing the planting, your participation in this ministry, waters, and I expect an abundance of blessing for you because of your hard work. Together we have partnered to change the world...thank you for your faithfulness! By the way, I am praying for you daily and continually!
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