We have all seen it, the parent who acts worse than the child at the sporting event. The bully, though they are now an adult stills acts like a child. We have them in our lives, at work, in our neighborhood in our families and Paul helps young Timothy with them in the church.
"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient," 2 Timothy 2:24
Paul is writing Timothy in response to a letter Timothy sent to Paul about unruly, immature people in the church and some even in leadership. As I am writing this, I am reminded that I need you to understand, if you see the immaturity in your own life be grateful because the Lord is showing you what you need to work on to be ready to fulfill your destiny otherwise you never will.
To be honest, there have been many times in my life where I have tried to help Christians reach their potential. However, when it came time to respond to correction rather than understanding I was trying to help them get to their destiny, they made excuses, accused others, placed blame. I watched time and time again as they continue to walk around the same mountain. Graciously, only a few never made it, most eventually became frustrated enough that they accepted the correction or discipline needed. This is where real leadership skills come in.
Must not "quarrel" this word means to argue, fight with verbally, strive or contend with. As a true servant, we are never to lower ourselves to the level of immaturity where we are verbally jousting with others. We are to speak the truth in love, explain it the best we can, respond to the questions but do not lower yourself to get in a battle of words, just stay on track, stay focused.
"Be gentle," Paul is indicating here that when dealing with someone immature realize what you are doing. The word gentle in this case references to treat them as if they are at the maturity level of a child, caringly guide and direct as you would a child. The problem with many immature parents is rather than being the adult, the parent, in disciplining their children, they lower themselves to act like children. In my eyes, this is a very big problem in parents today. We must not become children in disciplining and correcting the immature but act like mature adults never "flying off the handle" but maintain calm with patience.
Once again, if you see this immaturity in your life, don't worry, be thankful the Lord has exposed it. He is probably preparing to promote you but will not do it until you are ready. He will expose the immaturity so you will be ready to fulfill the destiny He has for you!
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