Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1 Thought for the's all about love

Sometimes life can be very complicated. God doesn't intend it to be that way, one of the key elements to uncomplicating our lives is stated by the Holy Spirit through John.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

Today's thought is very simple and very to the point. John uses three times the word "love" which is defined as to love dearly, to be pleased with someone in a blessed and giving way. In other words, under the Holy Spirit's inspiration, we are being told a very simple yet profound command.

Reread the verse. What do you think? God is saying love dearly, be pleased with and be willing to give of yourself to all of your brothers and sisters in Christ. Can you imagine if we always gave our brothers and sisters the benefit of the doubt, the encouragement they need, choosing to believe in them, stand for them, helping them to stand and become their best!

Isn't it amazing that God calls us to this? He is saying to us those who are true followers of mine, those who are really my children live this way, all of the time. Can you imagine how church would be changed? How our lives would be changed? How all of our relationships would be changed? How quickly the church would grow if we all chose to believe and live this way!

Your challenge today is to live this way just today. If you can do today, then you can do tomorrow and every day after that!

BTW if you picked all the petals, you would always be reminded that He loves you!

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