There are things in our lives that we take for granted. They become so familiar that rather than seeing their value we dismiss them as normal or basic. We do it with stuff, gifts, talents, relationships and so many other things. Paul reminds us to not allow that to happen with one of the greatest powers we possess.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16
You know I stress reading the Bible. I tease about it on a regular basis, but I need you to understand something about it. Picture for me a deflated balloon. What does it take to inflate this balloon? Lots of breath. So you blow up the balloon, and when you do this, it is then that you can actually see what the balloon looks like. At the same time, what is in the balloon? Air but not just any air your air with your unique DNA, and molecules, basically part of who you are.
No, I didn't go down a rabbit trail. This is one of the best ways for me to describe this scripture to you. The word "inspiration" means God-breathed or the breath of God. Like the balloon, the very Bible you keep on your shelf, by your bed, in the back seat of your car, is God-breathed. Basically, the DNA of God is in the Bible it is not just a story about God, but it is part of who He is, it is represented by His breath. That same word that spoke and caused everything to come into being is in your hands. The power that spoke and creation happened is on your nightstand. In other words, when we read God's Word and make it part of us, we are moving in one of the greatest power we can imagine, and like the balloon, we become what we are meant to be. Does it make sense now as to why I stress reading it so much?
Knowing this do you also understand how it is profitable? The word, profitable can be translated simply as something that is for your main advantage. If we do not read, live, and believe God's word we are missing out on the power that brought everything into being. We are limiting ourselves to our power. God's own breath and Spirit are contained within the Word just like the air in the balloon. That’s a very good reason why you should spend time studying and meditating on God’s Word. By studying and meditating on the Word, you will learn to unlock the power contained within it. And when you have unlocked that door, the power of God will come pouring into your life and into the situations you are facing.
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