Paul told Timothy to entrust the things of the Kingdom to faithful men. Faithfulness is very important to God, He only promotes those whom He trusts. Jesus said there is a way that the Father finds if He can promote us.
"Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?" Luke 16:11
One of the most significant issues people face is in the financial realm. How you handle finances is a very spiritual thing. How we manage and respect them is a test God uses to assess if we are ready for higher levels of blessing, prosperity, responsibility, and authority. In this verse, Jesus is saying God is watching how we manage our money to determine if we are ready for promotion.
The word "faithful" means responsible, conscientious, and trustworthy. To not be faithful means to be irresponsible, thoughtless, rash, and untrustworthy with "unrighteous mammon.""Unrighteous" meaning unspiritual, common, worldly, something that belongs to the world. "Mammon," an ancient Greek word meaning "money." So unrighteous mammon is the common currency of this world and the buying power that goes along with it.
"True riches" means authentic, genuine, real. Money which seems so real and so powerful in our world is nothing compared to the power of God. Heavenly power and heavenly riches far surpass the authority and power of money. For those who have been faithful and reliable, God will upgrade their level of spiritual power and authority operating through them. According to this verse God watches how we manage our money before He decides if he can upgrade our level of authority and power.
How you handle and manage your money is far more important than you may realize. If you learn faithfulness with the lowest form of power in this world, money, God knows you can be trusted with real spiritual riches that are unequaled in power. If your spending is out of control, you can't control your debt, you are not tithing or able to give to other works the Lord speaks to you about, then you are failing the test.
God's plan is for your financial freedom and for you to move in power. Our job is to pass the test, be faithful with our finances, debt, tithe, and giving. God wants us to have freedom and wants the world to see His people flow in greater authority and power. We must make the choice to be faithful for the Lord to trust us enough to promote.
1 comment:
This is so true, before we semi retired in our business there were countless times when we saw God move in financial situations that were only “but God” things. No matter how bad things would be we always always always made sure God got His tithe first and never did He not get us through. Sure there were and still are times where I may get a little concerned BUT He never fails me I just pray that I never fail Him!!!
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