Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13 Thought for the day...trusting God

Have you ever found yourself being unjustly accused and then on top of that needing to just keep your mouth shut? For most Christians fighting to be like Jesus, we find ourselves in that position. Every Pastor I know finds themselves in that position regularly. We are all in good company!

"And those who had laid hold of Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled." Matthew 26:57

We know from other "thoughts" that Jesus was powerful enough to knock the soldiers down with a word, at the same word, raised the dead, and also healed. We know he could have called, at a minimum, enough angels to outnumber the humans in the world at that time over 44,000:1. We also know His love for mankind overwhelmed Him.

With that in mind, as Matthew writes this scenario, he is telling us a few very important things. The phrase "laid hold of" means to forcibly and strongly grab and hold. Jesus had just done everything I mentioned, yet now allows himself to be manhandled by these soldiers. However, the phrase "led away" is the word picture of a sheep with a rope around his neck being guided by a shepherd. Jesus wasn't being bound and gagged, dragged, to the high priest, He was willingly going without a commotion or fight (fulfilling Isaiah 53:7).

Jesus did nothing illegal, he had broken no laws of man but still angered the religious leaders. The high priest and his father-in-law were both Sadducees, this meant they believed all the miraculous stories were mere myths and that miracles did not happen. The raising of Lazarus from the dead was particularly troublesome because so many near Jerusalem knew the story and could verify the miracle. It was so troublesome that were determined even to kill Lazarus, again! Jesus was a threat to their way of life, their power and money. This is where the idea of the love of money being the root of all evil, really fits.

Peter tells us that in this situation Jesus chose to draw closer to the Father. 1 Peter 2:23 "who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously;." 

Jesus is once again leading by example. When we are unjustly accused. When we are treated poorly. Choose to draw closer to the Lord. Don't blame! Don't fear! For people who are Christ followers, it is a matter of trust. I know this is very hard, but if we believe God is everywhere (omnipresent), God knows everything (omniscient) and is all-powerful (omnipotent) then we can choose to understand He is there, He knows, and He will deal with whatever we need if we choose to trust Him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your posts always make me think! The examples you give us of being Christ like are truly something I should be striving for daily. I appreciate the challenges you put before us. To be able to be quiet and let God deal with it is not always easy BUT always best!