Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16 Thought for the or later but everyone will!

The first time Jesus came, it was in a humble manger. Some shepherds saw him there beside his parents as the only witnesses to that lowly entrance into this world (the wise men came two years later). The next time it is going to be different!

"Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord..." Philippians 2:9-11

There is a time coming when Jesus will return. It could be tomorrow. It could be one hundred years from now. Regardless, we have a job to do until then. However, when He returns it will not be as a lowly babe in a manger. This time He will return as King and Lord over all! Because He came the first time and was obedient to destroy the works of the enemy and ransom you and me, He has been given the right of highest honor. "At that name, every knee will bow!"

When Paul is making this statement about "bowing," he is saying all authority, power, and dominion is in Christ. Every person living and dead will humbly bow with honor and respect to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hell will stop for a moment, and every person in torment will bow. In the second heaven, every demon and Satan himself will stop and bow. On earth, every human will stop and bow. In heaven, all the saints and angels will stop and bow.

We need to help people understand they will either bow now in this life or bow to Him in hell. Christ is Lord and King. We need to do our best to help people recognize that before it is too late. People in hell will bow, but their opportunity for redemption has passed.

"Every tongue shall declare" means that everyone everywhere, heaven, hell, or earth will all shout at the top of their lungs that Jesus Christ is Lord. If we confess Jesus to be Lord right now, we are assured heaven, but if we wait until this date, it will be to admit they we wrong and our penalty will feel even more severe.

Please encourage your friends that Jesus return is real. We may not know when the only true sign we have is "the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached throughout the whole earth." Something like this could happen tomorrow or one hundred years from now, but it will happen. A life fully surrendered to Jesus is an exciting full life, filled with freedom, hope, love, and joy. Help your friends to know that know because whether they want to or not, they will make a confession someday! 

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