Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 29 Thought for the day.....letting go

Periodically, Paige and I will clean things out. Throwing away things that we had saved but really are of no value. At one time we may have thought they were important, but as time goes by, we realized they aren't or they have out lived their usefulness. Paul encourages us to do that with our emotional and spiritual lives as well.

"....For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:8

The word that we translate "rubbish" in Greek really means, "the most disgusting vile things you can think, human waste, rotting corpses, vile garbage, animal dung", the things that are most disgusting of refuse.

Paul is challenging us to look at all the hurts, bitterness, wounds, unforgiveness, and even our accomplishments prior to Christ and to let them go. We should count them as garbage in order to receive from the Lord all of the amazing things He has for us.

Prior to Christ we did our best and in the process picked up a lot of bad habits, trust in ourselves (rather than God), hurts, wounds and rejections. All of which, will limit our openness to allowing God to flow through us in great anointing and power.

Make room for the Holy Spirit and all the Lord has for us but starting the New year out right. Let go of your abilities, attitudes, wounds, unforgiveness and all the human trappings. Choose instead to grab onto God with both hands and prepare for His power to flow through you. Your old stuff may have seemed important long ago but if you are willing to let go, God will amazes you with the new He wants to give.

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