Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27 Thought for the day.....being thankful

How quickly have your children or grandchildren forgotten about the excitement of Christmas morning. Do you remember even what you had gotten just a couple of days ago. For a bigger challenge do you remember what you were given for your last birthday or Christmas. Someone gave time energy and thought into finding you the gifts you have received. How many wonderful gifts does the Lord give us everyday? How often are we truly thankful?  Paul writes

"in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Paul is using the word for "everything" that means, "in every detail, in the smallest of things", or in other words "in every circumstance", be thankful

The word Paul uses for thankful is a combination of two words one that simply means to have a "good feeling" and the other means "grace" When combined Paul's sense is this, someone who is grateful for an outpouring of overwhelming good feeling". Add to that "in every circumstance".

Thankfulness is a choice. Because of how blessed we are and God's great love for us, we need to begin to choose to be thankful in every circumstance. We need to remember that God is in control of our lives and He has a plan. Thankfulness is also built around trust, we will only be as grateful as we are able to trust the Lord.

Take time to look at all your blessings. Take time to look at all of your challenges. Know that God has blessed you and you can be grateful, in advance, that He can handle your challenges, if you will only trust Him!

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