I love Christmas. It is a time of the year, where if kept in perspective, is truly the most joyous time. There is an anticipation among nearly everyone, of celebration. We read the story in Matthew and Luke and it comes to life. Today I want to share a different verse to remind us of the power of this story.
Paul writes something a profound Christmas message to the Philippians in 2:7.
"but made Himself (Jesus) of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men."
Paul is verifying to us first, that before the baby was born in a manger, Jesus already existed. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have eternally existed before anything else was, God was!
"Made of no reputation", before the baby, Jesus in all his power and glory would not have been able to be in the presence of human beings. Paul is saying here that Jesus divested, relinquished, vacated certain things in order to come and live in human form or else mankind would not have been able to be around Him.
Christ literally "taking on the form", took from His own creation a form of humanity so He might be able to live among us. Not in just any form but that of a slave. The Almighty, all-powerful God who created everything surrendered glory to reveal His character, His heart, His love to all mankind.
He did this in the "likeness of men". Hebrews 4:15 explains why He did it this way. He not only took on the appearance of mankind but was like mankind in every way, being able to feel the same suffering and temptations we battle as well. He did it all so He could stand and take on all sin for us as our high priest.
That is the greatest gift of the season and a wonderful reason to celebrate regardless of what you may be going through. He really loves you!
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