Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fasting Day 17

God will meet every need!

The scripture that automatically comes to mind is Philippians 4:19

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

God will supply all of our needs, what happens is that we think our need is one thing and God knows it is really something else. For instance, if we are constantly out of money rather than needing more money we may need a better job or wisdom to handle our finances better or perhaps wisdom regarding how to get a better job. God is constantly working to strongly support those who love Him.

Read Acts chapters 16 and 17 pay particular attention to the needs Paul has and the way that God meets them for Him.

There are times when our flesh and/or the devil will lie to us and say things like, “God doesn’t really care about your little needs!” or “There are so many more important things to God than your need!” Those phrases and things like that suggest that God’s power and presence are limited. God is not limited!

Sometimes our needs are met and we don’t realize it. Begin to become more sensitive to the Lord meeting your need. Become more aware of God wanting to meet your need. Stop limiting God!

Please pray today for

- Pray for the business leaders and entrepreneurs in our region. Much of the physical prosperity in our region and be directly tied to the business leaders of our region. I know some of you have difficulty with this which means you should especially pray!
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for Lisa Lyons, Barry, Lance, and Alex. Lisa is our Director of outreach, as such is over all of our outreach including VBS, Single Mom's, Christmas, His Place Coffee, to name a few. Anything that is our church reaching outside of the walls, Lisa is leading the charge. On top of all of this, she and Pastor Mike are Pastor Tim's right hands.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Faithfulness”
- Choose a country with a “R” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fasting Day 16

God wants to break every stronghold! Nothing has any right to hold you from being all that the Lord has called you to be!

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” Galatians 3:13,14

I have already asked you to read Acts 13 so today please read Acts chapters 14 and 15.

Three types of curses are broken in these passages one of a demonic spirit, one of death, and one of a bondage to the law.

Many have a bondage from generations, some from previous sin, others from words spoken out of turn. God has sent his Son to break them all. Some times we need to simply recognize the curse and realize that God has paid the price and wants to break in regardless of how it may have come upon us. I believe many of the curses remain in our lives because we believe for some reason we must bear them. God has not called us to bear any burdens but to cast our burdens on Him.

As you have prayed and fasting allow the Lord to show you the curses you are under and expect Him to break them. Let them go and don’t live there anymore!

Please pray today for

- Pray for our teachers. All of those who instruct our children need our prayers. Whether your children are in private, public or home-schooled (yes, it is OK to have people pray for you). College professors need our prayers as well.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for Pastor Tim and Paige, Amanda, Christopher Rachel, and Isaac. Yes we do need your prayers always. I love what I do; it is many hours on the phone, answering e-mail, face to face, and in prayer for you and preparation for ministry. We are all blessed to serve but we do always need prayer.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Kindness”
- Choose a country with a “P” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fasting Day 15

God knows what He is doing!

I know that sounds like a silly statement to make to Christians but often we think we understand God then something happens or God does something totally unexpected and we question God.

Please read Acts 11 and 12

Peter experienced and two distinct unexpected events and neither he nor the church understood them. Despite how their lack of understanding, it was God.

We always must bear in mind that God is good and that regardless of mankind’s fumbling with things, He has a plan that He will fulfill. His plans are always for our good.

Some times we are wounded by our disappointment with God. God has the big picture in His hands. It might not fit into our nice neat package so when it doesn’t we get disappointed with God. Disappointment is a nice word for anger. God can handle our anger. He allows us to work it through. The danger is, when rather than working it through, we permit it to fester and a wall develops between God and us. We hinder God’s plan for us and the very answer we need, by allowing a failed expectation to control us rather than the Holy Spirit.

Fasting can cause us to recognize this pain that we carry and the disappointment we hold onto and force us to deal with it. We waste so much time being angry and frustrated when instead we should be expecting answers from God! God is good. He has a plan! He knows what He is doing!

Please pray today for

- Pray for our Local Fire and EMS officers. We need to pray for those who protect us as they risk their lives on a regular basis for us.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for Pastor Mike and Beth, Frankie, Tori and Tim, Ashley, Nick, and Lindsey all the girls. Pastor Mike, as our executive, administrative pastor of the church, between He and Beth are tasked with keeping the “business” of the ministry running. Every day they are handling dozens of requests and needs, giving pastor care, and looking out for all of the staff. The make it possible for Pastor Tim to be able to focus on the needs of the overall ministry and the vision. Christian Center could not function without them.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Meekness”
- Choose a country with a “N” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fasting Day 14

God wants you to live a life of peace, bring peace to every situation and cause even your enemies to be at peace with you.

Continue to read Acts chapters 9 and 10

In these chapters, the most intense enemy of the church is made to be a friend of the church. A representative of the oppressive government over the Christians also comes to Christ and even receives the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

There are a few verses I want to remind you of so you will understand all that the Lord has for you to keep you in peace.

Proverbs 16:7
When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

Our enemies are not to control us, as we serve the Lord, He has a way of bringing peace even in the most troubling situations. Your enemy may be a neighbor, a family member, a coworker, or it may not be a person but a disease, or a limitation like finances, relationships or fear, guilt, or anxiety. Who or whatever your enemy is God can cause you to have peace over it. Believe for your peace today!

Pray today for

- Pray for our Police officers. If we pray for those who protect us and uphold the law we will never need to fear them.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church.
- Pray for Pastor Art and Kay. Pastor Art’s heart is for the Holy Spirit to be revealed in every person. He and Kay are true servants of the Lord. Wherever there is a need you will see Pastor Art and Kay helping. Keep their extended family in prayer.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “gentleness”
- Choose a country with a “M” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fasting Day 13

Continue reading Acts chapters 7 and 8

Often we will suffer persecution for seemingly no reason. All we are trying to do is follow the Lord and stuff happens. When the church was founded it was such a threat to the established religions that the persecution was intense.

You may be suffering intense persecution because you are trying to follow the Lord with all of your heart. Read Psalm 35 especially verse 13. When we fast God can and will deliver us from attacks of those who would do us harm.

We are a light and some times persecution and struggles help others to see how brightly that light shines in us. God will deliver us from all of our oppression and take us to the next level if we keep trusting Him. Don’t give up trusting the Lord He will lead you, guide you, provide for you, and open doors for you if you will simply trust Him.

Don’t focus of the tribulation, trial, persecution, or the people who are causing the problems keep your eyes on the Lord!

Pray today for

- Your local city council or township board of supervisors.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church.
- Pray for Pastor Gary and Kathy. Pastor Gary has a great heart of compassion and wisdom and is a strong mentor. If anyone is in the hospital you will see Pastor Gary by your bedside at some point.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “patience”
- Choose a country with a “L” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fasting Day 12

We are over the hump. We are more than halfway through the fast. Be encouraged, look for ways that the Lord can show you His amazing love for you.

Have you ever felt like God was not answering your prayers? Of course, you have we have all gone through that at some time. If we understand and know God’s Word his promises are faithful and true to us always.

Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible but it has so much to say about the need for the Word. In fact, a reference to needing God’s word in our lives is mentioned nearly 40 times in this chapter. If your parents or spouse tell you something once, twice and then three times you had better pay attention. How much more if the Lord mentions something nearly 40 times in one chapter, ought we to pay attention?

I am a firm believer that the answer to every question and all the direction we need are in God’s Word. He does use the fivefold ministry found in Ephesians 4 to help us understand his Word but everything that we need is there.

Read Psalm 119 (we will get back to Acts tomorrow) and see what the Lord will reveal to you about some of the unanswered prayers you may have. This chapter has answers for all the whos, whys and hows of our lives. It may explain some of the reasons for the silence of the Lord. Please understand it is God’s desire for his children to hear his voice. Jesus said, “my sheep know my voice”

Pray today for

- Your local mayor or township supervisor.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church.
- Pray for Pastor Matt and Debbie Vangura. Pastor Matt and Debbie have served in many roles in the church from leading the children's ministry to home groups. He is one of the best mentors in the church. He and Deb presently lead our celebrate recovery group and do much mentoring.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “peace”
- Choose a country with a “J or K” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fasting Day 11

Pray for the power of God!

Read Acts chapters 5 and 6

Those who follow Jesus have access to a power that the world has rarely seen. As you read Acts 5 and 6 you will see the way the power of God has been shown in obvious powerful ways and in not so obvious ways (serving).

Power is not about persuasion but submission. It is following God and doing what He shows us to do when He wants it done. I believe our knowing Him enhances His power in us. The greater our intimacy, the easier we hear His voice. The easier we hear His voice, the easier it is to respond to Him. Our response to Him is an act of submission based on love.

As you read the book of Acts, you will see that very rarely did the disciples look for someone specifically to see the power of God poured upon. God simply brought people to them and because of their relationship with God they knew what He wanted and believed for it.

This is something that we can practice. It takes time; we will make mistakes as we are learning to hear His voice. What we must believe is that this power is what God wants for us so the world can know who He is and how much He loves the world.

Watch and see who the Lord will bring to you. Listen to His voice and respond the way He would have you respond and watch the power of God flow through you.

Pray today for

- Pennsylvania Common Pleas Judges
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church.
- Pray for our adult class leaders – Reed Anders, Bev Ceiply Mike and Beth Hough
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “joy”
- Choose a country with a “I” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fasting Day 10

Knowing God’s will.

When we fast it is easier to hear His voice and know His will. When we seek Him he promises we will find Him. Often we stop when we are reading Jeremiah 29:11 but it is important to read verses 12 and 13.

“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Search for God with all of your heart requires some fasting. We get so many things in the way that we need to set time aside to simply seek the Lord. When we do the reward is we will find Him and in finding Him we find all that we need and want.

Continue reading today in Acts 3 and 4. Peter and John thought they knew their future, they would be fishers for the rest of their lives just like everyone else in their families but after seeking and finding Jesus they became disciples, apostles, evangelist, prophets, teachers, and fishers of men.

Don’t limit your potential by your environment, heritage, finances, family, or any other thing. As you are seeking the Lord in this fast expect Him to reveal great and amazing things that you have yet to know.

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9

Pray today for

- Pennsylvania Superior Court Judges
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for many to understand their calling and gifts and to begin using them in and outside of the church. We need every gift to be used.
- Pray for our teens and their leaders Bill Cappalonga and Lorie Barnes
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “love”
- Choose a country with a “H” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fasting Day 9

As I have been praying about the fast and with you during the fast I feel as if we need to turn a corner a bit. Many of us are familiar with the Gospels or at least many of the stories in the Gospels. I thought it might be appropriate that we take time to read the book of Acts as part of our daily reading during the fast. I am believing God for the Book of Acts to be in our lives today so it would be good for all of us to understand what the early church was like. Please begin reading today Acts 1 and 2 in addition to your daily reading of the word, after all, you have more time now to spend with the Lord

As you are praying and fasting today build an expectation in your heart for God’s plan for your future. God always blesses people who are obedient through their love.

You have heard Jeremiah 29:11 quoted many times (if not go ahead and look it up, it is powerful), those who follow the Lord were made this promise after they sold out to the Lord.

God has placed hundreds and thousands of promises for those who will live a life following and trusting Him.

“…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:3,4

Through God’s promises to us we are made partakers of his nature. In other words, He gave us promises to fulfill who we are called to be.

The psalmist tells us that God rejoices in prospering us in all ways.

Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, “Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant” Psalm 35:27

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” Psalm 34:10

God has a plan that includes a great future for all who seek and follow after him. As you are praying today, expect God to begin revealing His plan for you or clarifying His plan for you. Don’t settle for anything less then the greatness God has planned for you.

Pray today for
- Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Josh Shapiro – it is his job to protect us so pray for wisdom and insight for her
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray that everyone in our church will recognize God’s great plan for their lives, understand it, and begin to do it!
- Pray for our media ministry – that is all of those who help with the audio, PowerPoint, camera, and web.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “self-control”
- Choose a country with a “G” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fasting Day 8

Fasting can change your course and give you a fresh call on your life.

Read Acts 13

When wisdom or insight were needed for the early church. When the nation of Israel had its back up against a wall. Whenever there has been intense time of need, God’s people fast.

Paul and Barnabas had been taught, trained, and prepared for ministry but there is a difference between when you think you are ready and when God says you are ready. If we launch into something without hearing a clear word from the Lord it always ends in disaster for everyone involved. This is “meekness” in action. Paul had been trained by the best theologians of his day but still waited for a bunch of fishermen to approve his being launched into ministry because He knew it wasn’t about his ability or even his call but it was about God’s timing.

You may have had tuggings on your heart, feeling as if the Lord was calling you to something more but not knowing what. During this fast, expect the Lord to reveal to you the timing and the open doors for new avenues and adventures with God.

As you see the result of Paul’s waiting was that millions, in fact billions have been impacted by the Gospel. It is always worth the wait.

Please pray for:

- Our State Auditor General – Jack Wagner, he deals with many of the tax issues that impact us on a daily basis.
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 150 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray for a release of the gifts and callings in our church like we have never seen before.
- Pray for our staff – Lisa Lyons, Pastor Mike Hough, Beth Hough, Sherri Cappalonga, Terri Gagliardi, Lindsay Boger, Beth Polovino, Kim Lincoln, Dean Carlson, Daryl Aitken keep this ministry functioning day to day and keep you informed of all the is going on.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “faithfulness”
- Choose a country with a “F” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fasting Day 7

Expect clear direction from the Lord.

Fasting should be a time where we hear very clearly from the Lord and He prepares us to do the next thing he has called us to.

Read Mark 1 – 5

In Mark 1 we see that once Jesus is baptized He is guided, (driven) into the wilderness to fast. During this fasting time the devil attacks.

Any time that we choose to draw closer to God, we become the number one enemy of the devil and our own flesh. Expect attacks, but know that God is greater than any enemy. Part of the purpose of a fast is overcoming battles in our lives. If you have had a battle with an attitude, smoking, alcohol, drugs, fear, worry, or other things like these, I would ask you to expect the Lord to begin setting your free. These are the devils you may encounter on your fast more than any other.

This passage, as recorded by Luke in chapter 4, tells us that when Jesus completed His fast, He was full of power. We don’t realize how much some of these battles in our lives rob us of great victories. How worry, fear, drugs, smoking, alcohol abuse or other such things weigh us down. After a fast, these things can be defeated in our lives. When they are dead to us, it is as Paul wrote, it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me (Galatians 2:20). The power of God can more freely flow through us as we are out of the way.

Expect answers to prayer like never before. Expect to hear clear direction in greater ways. Expect there to be a battle between your flesh and you. Expect to win!

Pray today for:

- Our Governor – Tom Wolfe
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 250 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray that the Lord shows you the “devils” you have to face and for deliverance from them. This will make you stronger and make more room for His Spirit to empower you.
- Pray for those in the church who are battling depression and addictions
- Pray for our greeters! They are the first to greet people as the come into the church carrying their burdens and battles. They need to always carry the love of God and a smile to everyone who enters the church.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “kindness”
- Choose a country with a “G” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fasting Day 6

Thank you for keeping up the fast. We are nearly 1/3 of the way there. It is about this time when some begin to “hit the wall” and have difficulty spending time with the Lord.

Believe God today that He will go ahead of you in peace and to make your enemies be at peace with you!

Yesterday we prayed that God would break our hearts with the things that break His, including those who give us difficulty and you prayed for them. Believe today that the Lord will give you favor with and protection from your enemies.

I want to encourage you to read these two scriptures and to think about them. If you have a good study Bible study the references, Isaiah 54:17 and Proverbs 16:17.

We all have people in our lives that have hurt us, people, who have wounded us. Each of us has bad things that have happened to us. It is very easy to become bitter and to hold unforgiveness but the Lord calls us to freedom. He wants to defend us and make our enemies to be at peace with Him and us.

Around the world every day millions of Christians live under either extreme restriction to their faith or outright persecution. Some of our “friends” are the worst offenders, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India.

Some of our kids face persecution in school, from elementary to college. They need the Lord’s and our support to overcome.

God will cause even our enemies to be at peace with us as we continue to release them into His hands.

When we pray for God to intervene and we allow Him to do it, then our enemies or those who are persecuting us, become God’s problem. He wants to draw every man and woman to himself.

Please pray for:

- Our Senators – Bob Casey Jr. and Pat Toomey
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 250 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray for your enemies, personally or nationally
- Pray for those in the church who have enemies in their own household or are in jobs where they are constantly under attack.
- Pray for our church intercessors – Paula Miller heads a group who are constantly praying for our church, our region and you. We also have a prayer team who is interceding for you, individually, on a daily basis. It is great when we can hold up their hands in prayer.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “meekness” - the ability to recognize our strength but to surrender it to God.
- Choose a country with an “F” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fasting Day 5

Breaking your heart for the things that break His heart

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15

The entire book of first John gives us a unique insight into Jesus through “the eyes of the disciple that Jesus loved.” John wrote this book at the very end of his life. He had seen his brothers all pass away, he had been tortured for the faith and come away unscathed. He had spent many years in exile, having quality time alone with the Lord. In this book, he was writing one of his last words to a growing church.

We are called to love but what does love really mean. The world would have us believe that acceptance is love. We must accept someone’s sin and if we do not then we are not like Jesus. Jesus never allowed someone to stay in their sin knowing that it would limit their potential in the kingdom, frustrate them, and leave them short of a life of prosperity, joy, and peace. He did not condemn those who had no knowledge of the things of God but pointed out to them what God expected of them and how they could be free to reach the potential God had created for them.

Jesus was the light; a light of righteousness, truth, love, hope and so much more. We are His ambassadors and we too much live, lives full of this same light. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and has sent the Holy Spirit to bring this light to us and live with us. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth so that we might know the truth of who we really are, what we are called to do, and so we can see others as God sees them. Our hearts break as we see people foolishly living so far under their potential and living in pain because of the enemy’s plan active in their lives.

Please pray today for:

- President Trump's Cabinet – pray for wisdom as they influence and guide the President
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 150 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray for the person in your life that gives you the greatest hassle. Ask the Lord to help you to see them the way He sees them!
- Pray for those in our church who are batting with broken relationships, those whose spouses or children are far away from the Lord and those who have been rejected by their families because of their faith.
- Pray for those in the ministry of helps in our church. Those who do things every day that bless you and you may not realize it – Dean and Daryl who work so hard to keep the building looking so good, Annette, Leah and Lisa and all of those who help in the kitchen. Tori, Ashley, Ashley, Morgan, Chris, and Rachel and all those who help at His Place. Bonnie and all of those who help decorate the church, Michele, Linda and all those who help clean up after church on Sunday, Elaine and Betty who are faithful to prepare communion, to name a few.
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “gentleness”
- Choose a country with a “E” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fasting Day 4

God’s supply of all that we need!

Psalm 34:10

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”

God has a way of supplying for our every need. I would like to challenge you to Read Matthew 15:29 – the end of chapter 20. I know this is a lot of reading but there are so many different needs listed in these chapters and Jesus meets them all in unique ways.

The key to God meeting all of our needs is our keeping our eyes on Him. This time of fasting should be a time of abstaining from the things that would rob us of time to be with Him. Make sure, as I mentioned yesterday that you are maintaining the basics, reading the Word, praying, and staying in fellowship.

Expect God to show up in some unique way today showing you his supply for you. It could be financial, spiritual, emotional, and/or physical. Please look for it. Often we miss or ignore God’s involvement in our lives because we are caught up in so many things.

Please pray today for:

- Our House of Representatives (remember as we pray for those in authority over us, God provides for our peace)
- Choose another family in our church to pray for (we have approximately 250 families, praying for 21 should not be a problem)
- Pray for someone in a service industry that serves you (postal worker, restaurant wait staff, mechanic, plumber, etc.)
- Pray for those in our church that have lost jobs or are economically threatened that God will open jobs and other opportunities for finances and pray for those that are in management and entrepreneurs that God would bless them.
- Pray for our church bookkeeper, she handles all of our financial matters - Sherri Cappalonga
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “patience”
- Choose a country with a “D” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fasting Day 3

Breakthrough in your growth and maturity.

Joshua 1:8,9

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Every day we face some kind of trial and/or temptation. The challenge is how do we overcome and walk away strong after each trial and temptation.

Joshua was about to face numerous enemies alone. He was left leaderless, Moses had died. He was now responsible for over one million people. You talk about pressure and stress. He understood the command above and how it would affect his life if he did not follow it.

The busy-ness and dailiness of our lives often cause us to forget or neglect the basics. The military, athletes, martial arts aficionados, and many others, have one thing in common; to be on the top of their game and to be ready for anything they will rehearse the basics over and over again until they are so natural to them. When a life challenge happens, they don’t need to think, they simply react because they have trained, their reaction is what they were trained to do. Their reaction will cause the necessary outcome; to save a life, score the goal, or overcome the opposition without much struggle. Staying in the Word, prayer, and fellowship enables Christians to do the same. We mature and grow by keeping the basics in our lives as a foundation to build upon.

Pray today for:

- Our Justices on the Supreme Court and judges everywhere
- Choose another family in our church to lift up in prayer.
- Pray for another neighbor or some else you see on a regular basis, bus driver, barista, a clerk at your local convenience store.
-Pray for those in our congregation that are battling addictions of all kinds from bad attitudes to smoking, overeating, laziness, work, foul language, pornography and much more
- Pray for the Elders and their wives – Wally and Bev Cieply, Mark and Donna Britt, Tom and Jean Hollis, Dana and Annette Clay, Pete and Cookie Newstrom, Dan and Bonnie Scott, Brett and Kim Lincoln, Ron and Tammy Gribbin, Reed and Julie Anders
- Pray for that part of the Fruit of the Spirit “peace”
- Choose a country with a “C” name to pray for today(find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fasting Day 2

Fasting makes the impossible possible – Jehoshaphat had an impossible enemy to battle, he became fearful but was able to defeat the enemy because he sought the Lord first Read the story today in 2 Chronicles 20.

The Pilgrims were a group of people who decided to work to return the church to the call of God it had left. They traveled to America to establish freedom of religion, in the process faced many hardships in their first few years in Massachusetts. During one of their most difficult seasons, the summer of 1623, 31-year-old governor, William Bradford called for a fast. For three months there had been no rain. Their corn crop was virtually nonexistent. They began fasting that morning to skies that were clear and bright. By evening much to their surprise and that of the Native Americans the sky clouded up and a gentle rain fell, nonstop, for two days. If it had come as a hard shower what was left of their crop would have washed away. Instead, it was a gentle rain that refreshed the Pilgrims, the Indians, and their crops. The rest of the season brought seasonal rains and warm weather giving them an abundance for their harvest.

Our second day would be a good day to begin praying for the impossible to be made possible. Some have attitudes or habits that need broken. Some have loved ones who need the Lord, others healing or financial breakthrough. Whatever the need begin to believe for the impossible to be made possible.

Pray today for:

The Senate of the United States
Choose another family from our church to lift up in prayer
Pray for another neighbor
Pray for those in our church who need a healing miracle
Pray for our Children’s church teachers and aides
Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Joy”
Choose a country with a “B” name to pray for today (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fasting Day 1

We are beginning a fast. The idea is not as much about abstaining from food as it is about making sure that you are spending time alone with the Lord. The abstinence of certain types of food is there to remind us of our focus on God and a gentle cleansing of impurities from our system. We will be eating subsistence food, giving us enough to sustain our strength and endurance, but not so much as to weigh us down.

Today is not a day to think about what you can’t eat but to begin thinking about the exciting journey you have just begun.

- Expect God to meet you in this next 21 days.
- Expect to hear him more clearly.
- Expect miracles to happen.
- Expect more of you to get out of the way and more of Him to take over.
- Expect more of the love of God to show up in your life.
- Expect the people around you, your city or township, our state, nation, and the world, to be impacted in some way as together we seek the Lord.

Prayer Focus – The power of God moving in our lives

2 Peter 1:2,3

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue…

God has given us divine power for all things pertaining to the dailiness of our lives and to enable us to become more like Him. We need to start believing in who we are called to be

Fasting enables us to accomplish much of this more quickly than maintaining our daily routine. Just through the disciple of fasting, we force our flesh to come under the control of God’s Spirit.

Fasting humbles us – Psalm 35:13, Psalm 69:10

Fasting can also be a sign of repentance from our sin. – 1 Samuel 7: 2 – 6, 1 Kings 21: 27 – 29

Fasting enables us to receive spiritual direction – Judges 20: 26 – 28; Acts 13:2,3; Acts 14:23; Daniel 9:3, 10:2,3; Acts 10: 30 – 33

Deliverance from Demons – Mark 9 :17 – 29

Fasting for blessing – Joel 2:15, 18,19, 24, 25, 26; 2 Chronicles 20: 3, 20,25;

Fasting can bring salvation to your household – Isaiah 58:12

Fasting causes us to be more like Jesus – Matthew 4:2; Matthew 6:16 – 18

These verses are by no means an exhaustive study of fasting, just a few highlights to help you expect great things during this 21 days of seeking the Lord

Prayer Focus today

- Our President – Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence
- Choose one family from the church (preferably someone you are not well acquainted)
- Pray for one family in your neighborhood
- Pray for Marriages
- Pray for our Worship Team
- Pray for a country other than the United States (find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html that begins with the letter “A.”
- Pray for the portion of the fruit of the spirit “love.”

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Daniel Fast

I want to clarify some things regarding our “Daniel Fast”. The purpose of a fast is not about some kind of suffering that makes us more like Jesus instead it is about placing your heart and your attitude in a position to have a more intense communion with the Lord. So much of the carry over from religion is about work and the idea of a fast can quickly become legalistic. If only eating fruits and vegetables drew you closer to the Lord, ever vegetarian and all Hindus would be the closest of all.

I know there are many books that describe what a “Daniel Fast” really is but let’s reiterate what the Bible says a “Daniel Fast” is.

When this vision came to me, I, Daniel, had been in mourning for three whole weeks. 3All that time I had eaten no rich food. No meat or wine crossed my lips, and I used no fragrant lotions until those three weeks had passed. Daniel 10: 2,3 NLT

Daniel was serving in an ungodly court being fed the rich foods of heathens. The purpose of his fast was walking away from the daily routine in an ungodly environment to come away to be alone with the Lord. Meat and desserts where the foods of the wealthy and the heathen; the common people survived on fruits, vegetables, and bread. Daniel’s fast was making a statement that he was coming away from the common things of his life to spend time with the Lord. Your fast should cause you to remember you want to spend time with the Lord. It hopefully will make food preparation quicker and easier, so you spend less time on preparation and clean up and are able to spend more time with the Lord.

My challenge to you for this fast is not to get caught up in a religious routine but instead to come away from what is common and to enjoy the intimacy with Jesus. The physical act of not eating meats and sweets is simply there to remind us that we are choosing to spend time with the Lord. Pasta is not mentioned here because there was most likely no pasta in Persia until around 700 years after Daniel. However bread was a staple.

It has been my habit every year since 1990 to go on a forty day fast. The purpose is not to starve myself but to give myself more time to focus on and be with the Lord. Every time my stomach growls or I get hungry it is simply a reminder to spend time with the Lord.

Our attitudes have more to do with correct fasting than does the food we decline. James writes these words in chapter 4:17 “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

A true Daniel Fast, according to the scripture is simple no meats or sweets, whatever your heart tells you what they means to you. The key thing is the right attitude and making more time to spend with the Lord. Don’t place your conviction on someone else it is not that hard. Do what you need to do to make your focus being with the Lord.