Every now and again someone will ask me that question. At times, it is an emotional crisis that triggers it; a job loss, divorce, or death of a loved one. Other times it is simply a time of reflection and self-evaluation.
Jesus asked this question of His disciples in Matthew 16:13 – 16
“When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Was Jesus having an emotional crisis? Was He having a time of reflection? In this case, Jesus was asking because He wanted the people around Him to understand the answer to that question.
The first part of the question is general, “People are seeing the miracles, hearing my words, and watching my actions and reactions, who do they think I am?”
Jesus words about the coming Kingdom and call to repentance reminded some of John the Baptist ministry. In their odd way they believed in reincarnation. They were attributing the miracles they were seeing to God through ungodly means. It is not dissimilar to Christians who play the lottery or read their horoscopes everyday thinking that those things can honor or flow with God’s principles.
The prophecies speak of Elijah being the forerunner of the messiah. Many believed the Messiah would be an earthly king who would free the nation of Israel from their oppressors. They could not imagine this humble servant being the messiah so they thought he was the forerunner Elijah. Our view of who Jesus is is often set by our expectations. The Lord is not limited to what we believe about Him, however our relationship with Him will be limited by our beliefs. We can not move in faith with the Lord in areas.
Jeremiah was the weeping prophet. Jesus was acquainted with weeping. He wept over Jerusalem, over his friend Lazarus that we know for sure. There were probably other times when His heart would break and he would weep. If they only saw him as a prophet and one that He was sad all of the time they missed major points of who Jesus really is. Many did that with the various characteristics of other prophets as well. The Lord will allow us to identify with one aspect of His character or nature as He works out some of the struggles we face, however to be all that we are called to be we must understand all of who the Lord is, as much as we can.
Then Jesus challenged those closest to Him, “who do you say that I am?” He wanted them to search through all that they had seen and heard and realize who Jesus really is. He wanted them to know it, deep inside, where it could not be shaken. What we believe about God, who He is, what He is like, and what He thinks about us, shapes who we are. If we believe that God is waiting to “drop the other shoe on us” or if we believe that He is only a wrathful judge, we miss the love of God. If we think He is simply this soft cuddly guy in heaven we miss the holiness of God.
I hate to keep repeating myself but the difference is made as we get to know Him better. We know Him better through prayer, reading His Word and fellowshipping with other people of like faith.
Who do you say that Jesus is? Don’t limit Him to what you know, get to know Him better and be amazed at who He is!
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