Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How do we get there from here?

Have you ever asked that question? I sure have. If I am struggling to find my way I always consult people that are familiar with the area or resources that were created to help me find my way. The problem is, whom do you ask or what resources can we trust?

If you go to Google maps and plug in my address it will either send you past my house on the main road in front or cause you to stop short on the main road to the side. If you ask the wrong person, they make act like they know what they are doing but give you incorrect information.

Someone with information may sound correct if you are uninformed but the more understanding you have the more confused an uninformed person sounds. Why am I talking about this today? Statistics show us that the over whelming majority of American’s call themselves Christian, yet feel it is OK to cheat, lie, and engage in premarital sex. The average Christian spends less than 5 minutes per week in the Bible. Relationship with the Lord is a place we are going and a place we should be in right now. The way to get there from here is to do the basics.

The basics of developing a relationship with the Lord are prayer (which I blogged about the other day), fellowship with other believers and reading the Bible. So many people get off track because they read books about God but not God’s book. People listen to people who claim to understand being a Christian but do not read or believe the Bible themselves. Jesus called them blind guides.

Psalm 119:105 says this about God’s Word, the Bible:

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.

Paul wrote to the young preacher, Timothy with this encouragement about the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16,17

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

Reading the Bible is the way to understand where we are supposed to go and what we are supposed to do. The Bible is also the measuring rod for walking in truth, love, and righteousness. It is God’s love letter to us, a way for us to understand His nature and character. It teaches us how to be who God has called us to be. It is what the Holy Spirit illumines in our hearts. It is the truth the Holy Spirit uses to guide us. If we are not in the word the Holy Spirit has little to draw on in our lives to guide us and lead us into all truth. So many, as the scripture says are destroyed, shipwrecked, or wander because they are not grounded in God’s word.

If we read the Bible at least a little everyday, our lives will change. Perhaps if you have gotten out of the habit of reading your Bible you can start with a chapter a day. Read a book in the Bible that you can relate to; if you like History read Kings, Chronicles, Genesis, Exodus, if poetry the Psalms, Job, if adventure, Judges or Acts, if daily wisdom Proverbs, or if encouraging, inspiring stories Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. There is something for everyone. It is a great thing to read the entire Bible but don’t worry about that for now. Start where you are and read your interest first. God can speak to you and guide you through every word in the Bible. You will never be lost again.

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