Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trusting God with our hearts

I have mentioned in a number of my blogs lately the idea of trusting the Lord with all of our hearts.

Take a look at Proverbs 3: 5,6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.”

Does the Lord want us to trust Him with our blood pumping muscle? Our heart does not think or feel so what is He saying with wanting our hearts to be totally His as I mentioned from 2 Chronicles 16:9 and trusting Him with our whole hearts in the passage above.

The heart is symbolic of our will and our emotions and it is also representative of that part of us that makes intellectual ascent, “So a man thinks in his heart, so he is” Proverbs 23: 7.

There is a battle for our wills, desires, and our decisions. We generally look for the easy way to do things, to get from here to there but that is not always the best way. This is a challenge to us.

Simply stated the challenge is “ Will you wait for me to give you direction?” or “Will you trust me to speak to you and lead you?” God’s plan for us is perfect. There is no weakness or failure in God’s plan for us. Daily we must look to the Lord for his guidance, will, desires for our day. As we do, then we must make the decision to not worry or panic but to “trust the Lord with all of our heart”.

It sounds simplistic, and it is but it is also very scary to have faith that the Lord is guiding and directing our lives. That is one of the great things about God, as we trust Him, He does show up. As we proverbially, “step out of the boat”, we are able to walk on water. That is the first step to trusting the Lord with your whole heart.

Try it over the next few days! Watch as the opportunities come, to worry and panic, choose to stop and ask the Lord what He wants you to do. Start your day by asking Him to lead and guide all that you do. Trust Him with your whole heart!

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