Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23 Thought for the a puzzle piece not a cookie cutter

The United States is known for being a strong independent nation and people, and in many ways, it has served us well. However, that would be a misnomer to judge the nation that way. We are strong only when we work together. Which is one of the very reasons I worry about the United States right now? Now more than ever the world and especially America needs the church to function in unity. Paul addresses this need.

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

Each of us is given great strengths, skills, and talents. We can use these gifts to impact our world, but Paul is saying here that we are better and stronger together.

When Paul uses the word "many" here, it means not only high quantities but also means great varieties. There is so much uniqueness in the Body of Christ and God has created this uniqueness because we need it to reach such a unique and diverse world. As believer's when we come together and value each other's gifts and in a complimentary way work with one another the work is so much easier and much more effective! Think of the Body as each piece of a puzzle unique but creating a beautiful scene when put together.

People have a false understanding of unity. Some believe it is a time when we sit and all sing Kum-bai-yah, together. While that is a type of unity that is not what Paul is talking about here. When Christians come together to accomplish a common goal, each one using their unique giftings, skills, and personalities to accomplish this common goal that is real unity. The world is not interested in cookie-cutter Christianity. What they need to see is the uniqueness and diversity of the Body of Christ working together to bring hope to the world.

When we work together using our abilities, as different as they are, to accomplish a common goal, the Holy Spirit empowers it in a great way, and the blessing of the Lord is poured out in greater measure. The things of man, doctrine, culture, and creeds will not bring the powerful unity we need only the Holy Spirit can do it.

In Kyrgyzstan, many years ago, God was able to use me to bring together the Pentecostals, Charismatics, Baptist, and the Orthodox for the first time that anyone had known. A crusade was held in the nation, and over 5000 came to Christ. Unity does not mean we have to agree on everything, but we have do have to use our skills, talents, personalities, and abilities to work together to present Jesus in a way everyone can understand!

You are unique, especially gifted to reach a people that others may not be able. Your personality is one that certain people will see as a gift and others may not appreciate, but it was given to you to touch your world in a way that brings hope and freedom. It will fit like a puzzle piece not a cookie cutter with others so the whole picture can be seen by the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Wow I absolutely love this, we are each designed (manufactactured) by God, He has placed within us so so many different gifts, personalities and talents and He put His label on us if we are His. My favorite nugget lately is it’s ok to agree to disagree!!!!! God have mercy if we all were like me lol. Times are different, people are different BUT God and His love never changes!