Friday, January 24, 2020

Fasting day 20 - January 24

God will give you a boldness and confidence in being a Child of God!

Read Acts 21 and 22. The apostle Paul shows confidence and boldness all that he does with both friend and foe.

Proverbs 28:1

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion”

Daniel 11:32b

“but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits”

You have spent 19 days so far seeking the Lord. There should be a confidence in who He is to you and who you are to Him that has built-in you. God speaks to us through the prophet/statesman Daniel saying if we know God we will do great exploits.

Every prayer you pray will be heard and answered. They may not be answered the way you want them but they will be answered. God will lead you, perhaps not where you thought you wanted to go. Both the answers and the leading will be exactly perfect for you!

Our relationship with the Lord should be one of confidence knowing without hesitation that God is good, He is with me and for me, and He has a great plan for me. He loves all the people you see every day and wants them to come to know Him. You are the vessel He wants to use to rock their world.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!” Joshua 1:9

Pray for boldness to rise up within you; a boldness not based in pride but in presence, His presence in you.

Please pray today for

- Pray for Speaker of the House – Nancy Pelosi
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for the “gifts of the Spirit” to flow freely and clearly in our church
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Joy”
- Choose a country with a “U or V” name to pray for today (find out information by going to

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