Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fasting Day 19 - January 23

God wants to fill you with power!

Acts 1:8 tells us “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth”
It is the power of God that makes a difference between Christianity and any other faith. The power of God heals, delivers, restores, but most importantly saves.

As long as we believe God’s power is for other people and not us, we will continue to live under a mindset of limitation. God’s power is distributed to all who are willing to submit to Him. It is God’s desire that every man woman and child come to know Christ. It is His desire that people see Jesus in you and me. It is God’s desire that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. All of these things and more are His plan for you. It takes the power of God to make it happen.

Read Acts 19 and 20.

There are many difficulties we will face because Satan wants to destroy us, our flesh hates us following God and people want us to all stay at their level. If we allow the power of God to flow through us then we will always overcome.

Your power will be linked to two things; your humility and love. God resists that proud but gives grace to the humble. God is love. It is His very character. We become most like Him, as we love.

Please pray today for

- Pray for Senate Majority Leader – Chuck Schumer
- Choose another family in our church to pray for
- Pray for the power of God to flow in our lives, in the Mon Valley, and in our church. I know I keep repeating this but I believe it is one of our greatest needs.
- Pray for our “Go” team. You may not know who they are but this is the committee in the church that supports our mission outreaches.
- Pray for Bill and Sherri Cappalongi, Bill is our minister overseeing our teens. He has a passion for all of our kids and wanting to see them become all the Lord has called them to be. Working closely with Kathleen and Alex to make sure our kids know who the Lord is and who they are in Christ
- Pray for that portion of the fruit of the Spirit that is “Love”
- Choose a country with a “T” name to pray for today (find out information by going to

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