Monday, September 2, 2019

September 2 Thought for the day...are you ready for a change

Anyone spending anytime listening to people will hear enough negative to overwhelm even the most positive of people. I don't recall a more negative time in my life. But Paul charges us with the challenge to overcome all of this...

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:18

Normally we will quote this verse (if we know it) when we are going through something, knowing that a greater glory is coming. The real challenge here is that Paul is challenging us to change from "glory to glory." In other words, the mess we are in right now must be changed to glory in order for us to go from glory to glory!

Whatever you are facing, to get to a place of going from glory to glory ask yourself a few questions...

Have I done all the Lord has told me to do for now?
Have I completed my last assignment the way God wanted it done?
Have I done it to the best of my ability and on time?
Am I living in a financial situation that is glorious or a shambles?
Am I living a life that is a wonderful example to others?
Do I feel I have completed this part of my life in a glorious way?

Paul begins this verse saying "with unveiled face" the meaning here is that the veil over our eyes that would hide things from ourselves is permanently lifted off so we can see the truth of our life situation and do something about it!

A truthful look at ourselves causes us to accurately assess what needs to change. God doesn't want us miserable but going from glory to glory which only happens if we are living in His glory. Living in His glory only happens if we are willing to see our lives in truth. The truth sets us free and gives us the power to overcome.

The word, "transformed" means that we will actually change into God's call. We choose to allow the Lord to do the work in us that causes us to permanently become exactly who we were designed to be so God's glory is continually shown through us to a world without His glory.

I know to allow the Lord to speak this kind of truth into our lives can be painful, but is it really any more painful than living a life filled with less than all the blessings God has planned for us?

God's desire is for us to be overcomers, more than conquerors, to be filled with love and power, to be fearless, and always have the clarity of mind that will lead us to His glory. Being miserable is not in God's plan, being a failure is not in God's plan, being overwhelmed by the world is not in God's plan.

His plan is for us to move from glory to glory, overwhelming the Kingdom of darkness with His glorious light through us. Allow Him to make the change in you!

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