Many times when people come into my office, they are depressed or simply sad because the enemy has convinced them that they have done nothing with their lives. Paul reminds us today that, once again the devil is a liar
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58
God has gifted each one of us with unique gifts, skills, talents, abilities, and personalities. Along with these gifts, He provides opportunities for us to use them to encourage, touch, and generally impact the welfare of people, neighborhoods, cities, and regions.
Our challenge is often the impact we have goes unrealized for some time. The enemy will come in and begin his lies, saying "you have wasted all of your time," "you have accomplished nothing," or the old comparison lie, "see how much others have accomplished, what have you really done?"
Paul defeats all of those lies and the other ones that play in your head by saying, "your labor is not in vain!" The word Paul uses for labor means the most exhausting kind of work. Every day as you are using all that the Lord has placed in you, you are giving your all, and God knows it can be exhausting, especially if the fruit is not immediately seen.
God knows there are days you are tired, weary, and you feel as if you have done nothing. However, because you have used what the Lord has given you, nothing is wasted. The word "vain" here means something empty without value, exactly how the enemy makes you feel…BUT….Paul says, nothing is wasted, nothing is empty, if you are using what God has given you, will be rewarded by the Lord and the implication is that your reward will come in this life and the one to come!
So don't believe the liar! You really are doing great! Start looking for the reward for your faithfulness!
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