Friday, August 9, 2019

August 9 Thought for the day...taking ownership of the world

Meekness is not a way most people want to be described. Believe it or not, it is one of the strongest and best descriptions a Christian can be given. If you want to take ownership of the world, it is the only way to go!

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness...." Galatians 5:22,23

Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" Matthew 5:5. He was basically quoting the Psalmist from 37:11 when He said that. How can that be when our view of meek is basically someone who is weak! That is not what meekness means!

Meekness means a person who is patient, slow to anger, and has their attitude and emotions under control in high pressure and hostile situations. It is a person who is never rash or has an outburst of anger but is in complete control of his/her fleshly responses at all times.

The idea is not a weak or timid person but instead a strong-willed, even opinionated person, of powerful character that chooses rather than to respond out of flesh or will to respond under the control of their leader and/or the Holy Spirit. A meek person is a person completely surrendered to the power, grace, wisdom, anointing, and strength of the Holy Spirit. Exactly what we should be!

When difficulties, trials, the devil or anything comes into the life of a meek person, they don't lose control. Instead, they gain control over the situation. If you are in a situation where what is said is completely wrong, you are able to be patient until it is the right time to speak or act to get the best response.

Instead of responding to hostile people or situation in an explosive manner, the meek person is able to see through the situation, have their flesh under control and bring life and truth every time. This is the essence of Paul's meaning of meekness in this verse.

Very different than what you thought? This is why the meek will inherit the earth, they live a life where the fruit and anointing of the Spirit controls them, and the flesh and the enemy, that would skew their responses, view of the world, and their thinking has been defeated in them. A meek person brings peace, love, truth, and life to every situation. It is my hope that after reading this that, like me, you will live each day to become meek!

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