Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2 Thought for the day...peace that is real

Peace seems to be at a premium these days. Turmoil in Washington D.C. wars in various places as well as on the streets in the US but peace is part of the fruit of the Spirit. Can we have it in today's culture?

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace..."Galatians 5:22

Once again, it is the Holy Spirit who produces this fruit in us. Our job is simply to allow Him to do it in us. I remember being in a life-threatening situation in Africa, and even though by every logical thought,  I was going to be killed, an overwhelming sense of peace came over me. I knew that was part of the fruit of the Spirit, peace as I had never experienced it before.

The word translated "peace" infers the idea of wholeness, completeness, or tranquility in the soul that is unaffected by outward circumstances or pressures. When a person has the Holy Spirit's peace ruling their lives, they live with an inner stability and calm that leads to a peace that is maintained even in the most tumultuous situation. Can you imagine, living that way all of the time? As we daily surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He will work this out in us.

Paul lived this peace out in his life. In Acts 27, we see he is caught up in a storm that is so brutal that it is as if it has taken the ship and is simply tossing it like a toy. The crew was fearful for their lives, they had given up on any hope when Paul in the middle of all the turmoil and chaos says "I heard from the Lord, don't be afraid" these were trained sailors knowing what they were up against. Paul had sailed enough as well, but he kept calm, allowed the Holy Spirit to rule, and he had peace.

What is going on in your life, job, health, finances right now? Do you have peace? If not, know that you can have it. It doesn't matter who caused your storm. It doesn't matter if your trouble is self-inflicted. God is God, and He is peace. Jesus is the prince of peace. Choose today to pursue Him. If you do, you will find your peace every time

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