When we are young, we have plenty of dreams. It would seem that dreaming is a thing for the young, but if we are willing, God will always give us fresh dreams. We are encouraged to hold onto them and not let go until we see them fulfilled.
Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."
It is easy to give up on dreams, jobs end or change, life situations change, financial situations change, but despite all of this, God does not change. If God has given you a dream, if we trust Him, He will fulfill that dream. Think about Abraham for a moment. He and Sara leave Iraq following a dream. Along the way, his Father dies, his nephew deserts him, he is plagued by trials by men, by weather, and by nature. All along the way having every reason to quit, to give up on the dream, but they did not, and we know the history, our lives have been changed!
The writer of Hebrews is saying to us "hold fast" to the confession of hope (the dream). The word translated, hold fast means; to hold on tightly, to embrace and not let go, to wrap your arms around something tightly. He is saying here when God gives you a dream expect it to be attacked, trials to arise but choose to hold on tightly, do not let go, make sure that no one can steal it from you.
When God gives you a dream, He has already equipped you with the abilities, personality, gifts, and skills to begin to fulfill it. He then expects us to add to that, faith and trust in the Lord, as well as a tenacity to hold on tightly to the dream and the Lord. The result will be amazing blessings for others and for us and an impact that will change our world.
Take the risk! Don't allow your dream to be stolen or crushed! Trust the Lord and change your world!
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