Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12 Thought for the day...revenge never, love always

Have you ever been hurt by someone and felt like "getting even?" Perhaps you felt that severe but rather than approaching someone who hurt you and working it out you simply decided to ignore them or just walk away. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ either of these situations Paul would label as "evil."

"Never pay back evil with more evil." Romans 12:17

I know it is hard when you feel, hurt, rejected, or offended by someone but Jesus gave us the example of how we should respond to this, we should love! We prove we are His disciples by our love. Paul is further emphasizing that with this phrase.

The phrase "pay back" literally means to vehemently get even with someone, to retaliate, or to take revenge. It is a very human reaction, but we are supposed to be dead to our flesh and alive to His Spirit making that response a failure in the eyes of Christ. In fact, the Greek word translated "never" here means that it is absolutely forbidden, not even to be considered in any way, ever. Does that sound serious to you?

Evil is wrong, and we know it. When someone is evil to us that word describes an action that is harmful, hurtful, or injurious or something is done with an evil intent. These are the actions of a person who intentionally acts to cause some kind of damage or ruin in someone else’s life. God sees it all. You are His child. If you have done something sinful that has brought on this evil, God will correct you, discipline you but it is not about you and the other person you must choose to forgive. However, if the evil has been done and you are innocent, still choose to forgive but allow the Lord to defend and protect you. If there harm has been intentional it doesn't mean you have to return to the situation, but you still must choose to forgive, or you will not be set free.

Sometimes things are done that we interpreted as evil but are merely a misunderstanding. Regardless of the intent, Jesus gave us an example to follow to always walk in love and forgiveness, helping others to come to that freedom as well.

We are loved with a great love as much as we can let's live and share that love with others so that might come to know the freedom and love we know!

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