Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 5 Thought for the day...be excellent

When I was young I came across this verse, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might," Ecclesiastes 9:10. I was 11 years old, I had just begun my first job, mowing lawns. This verse challenged me to mow lawns with excellence. It paid off, literally as well as spiritually. God blessed because I always did the best job I could.  Since that day, I consider it a powerful way to honor the Lord to always work with excellence, I am in good company too, Paul said...

"Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit," Romans 12:11

God has given to each of us a measure of faith, many gifts, our personalities, and all kinds of material possessions. What better way to honor Him than to make the most honorable and excellent use of all of this.

Slothful is the same word Jesus used talking about the "wicked" servant who buried his talent in Matthew 25. It means to be apathetic toward life, to have a lackadaisical attitude, to be lazy, idle, to be a do nothing.

The word zeal, in Greek, means to do something with diligence, eagerness, be attentive, act responsibly. In other words, you have responsibilities to people, yourself, church, your business, don't be lazy about them. Do them with all of your might, the best you can that will honor God!

"Be fervent in spirit" means the Holy Spirit requires us to always, enthusiastically do what God has placed in your hands with honor, integrity, and to the best of your ability, always.

Don't get this confused.  You do not lose your salvation if you aren't diligent with your gifts and call, but you do not please God either. God so loves the world that he sent His Son. Jesus did many good works, spoke many things all that honored the Father. People could see His good works and glorify His Father (Matthew 5:16). The Father's heart is that the whole world will have the opportunity to know His Son and this know Him. Our reputation, diligence, faithfulness all show the world whose we are as well as who we are. Be excellent in all you do. Let people see you living the purpose and gifts the Lord has given you to the fullest. In turn, they will glorify the Father because of your excellence. James 2:14

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