Friday, February 15, 2019

February 15 Thought for the day...we are at war

I know with so much war around the world, the title for this thought may be obvious. Even if the world were at peace, as people of faith, we would still be at war.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh." 2 Corinthians 10:3

Paul is warning us to be ever vigilant because we are in a battle. The word "walk" here implies simply something that is part of a daily routine, something comfortable and regular. In other words, our "walk" is our daily living is all about the flesh. Everything we do begins in the flesh. Even our prayers and other spiritual disciplines all must begin in the flesh. We must bring our flesh into the discipline of wanting to do the things of God.

However, we have to recognize in this war, even though we live in the flesh, we can not defeat the enemy in our own flesh. We must do battle with spiritual weapons. Shouting at the devil, physical and or fleshly actions do not affect spiritual forces. In Acts 19:14,15 the sons of a man named Sceva tried to cast out a demon, the demon said, "Jesus we know, Paul we know but who are you?" The demon proceeded to beat them up. Paul was not a big man nor powerful in appearance in any way, but he had a powerful understanding of winning the spiritual war. There is a genuine war for the hearts and lives of people. We must recognize the war.

A quick view of some of our spiritual weapons; prayer, spiritual gifts, moving in the fruit of the Spirit, and of course, reading and living a life according to the Word of God. God's Word is true, and the battle we live daily depends upon our warring God's way!

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